30. Back home again.

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I heard a knock on my door and went to open it and unsurprisingly Kristrin was at the door as he sauntered in and I closed the door behind him.

I was definitely expecting his visit. I knew he wanted me to live with him and I had finally made my decision after going over it a hundred times.

"The answer to your question is yes Kristrin but I have a few conditions of my own." I stated to him.

Before I could continue any further I was immediately lifted into his arms and I quickly circled my legs around him to keep myself steady.

"And what are your conditions princess?" Kristrin sweetly pecked my neck over and over again slowly distracting me from what I had to say.

Moments later he was seated on the sofa while I straddled him.

"I want to be your equal. I want you to promise me you won't be an overbearing and overprotective father just because I'm having our baby." I warned.

"I like the part about you having my baby." Kristrin kissed my cleavage just above my breast making me moan out in pleasure.

I struggled to compose myself before answering, "You know what I'm talking about and I know what your doing Kristrin."

He was distracting me from demanding what I wanted from him. I tried pulling myself off but he quickly pulled me into his chest for a hug.

"I don't want you changing my lifestyle. I don't want you compelling me to do what you want and I also want to have an equal say in our child's life. I know your very protective of both of us but being overprotective and over-controlling has to stop or your going to have to take it down a notch." I asked for his compliance.

"I'll try my to take it down a notch and listen to what you have to say before making any decisions but I can't promise you Bella. You and my baby mean the most to me and If I see something that may harm you or my child or that may not be suitable for you and the baby, I can't promise you that I won't make a decision that you'll be comfortable with." He responded lifting my chin.

"As long as your willing to be considerate of my feelings then I'll be more than happy." I kissed him on his teasing lips.

"I do have a few conditions of my own princess." He pulled away to say to me and I frowned unable to think what on earth he wanted to suggest.

"What do you have in mind?" I urged him.

"I'm happy that your moving in with me baby girl, I know you'll be safe but I want you to reconsider going back to university until you've delivered our child." He said to me while pointing to the laptop which I had been working on.

"But why?"

"Bella you'll be working and you'll be going to school which will lead to you being overworked and overstressed. I want you to postponed school until you've delivered our healthy baby." He suggested.

"But Kristrin I'll be going to school part time and mostly online until our child is safely in our arms, there's no need for me to go to school after I conceive." I assured him.

"I mean it Bella. It's either you postpone school or work? If something was to ever happen to the both of you because of you being stressed then all rights or say that you may have at first will be lost." Kristrin sternly spoke making me sigh.

He was not going to give up.

"Fine, I'll postpone school. I don't think I'll be able to leave my child after he or she is born so I'll take a year after our child is born while completing my masters degree. After I've completed my studies then I'll return to work but since I'm postponing school for now then I'll start working full time." I suggested to him.

"That's more like it baby girl." He smiled happy with my decision.

If I knew Kristrin, when the time came and I decided to go back to work after having our child he'd try to talk me out of it, even if it was fifteen years later.

I wouldn't put it pass Kristrin to try and get me knocked up immediately after having our first child together.

"You finally get to have what you always wanted. Me bearing your child while barefoot and at home." I remember when he had confessed his drunken confession.

"Your right and I will not hide it. Along with something else." He expressed.

"What else?" I questioned confused.

"You'll soon find out but not now Bella." I nodded my head wanting to know but decided against prying even further.

"Have you decided on a date that you'll be moving in with me?" Kristrin queried.

"Well I was thinking this weekend."

"Then I will stay with you until the time has come." He expressed.

"Kristrin the weekend is only two days away, I live in a secured neighborhood and we'll be fine. I promise." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Two days is a long time away from my girlfriend and my child. Unless I'm getting a key to freely drop by whenever I want then I'm staying." I was with this man for so long yet smiled whenever he called me his girlfriend or baby girl or princess for that matter.

"Fine, then you can stay." I sighed, truly I was happy.

"Now where were we?" He smirked pulling me in for another one of his kisses and I gladly went along with his request.

Immediately my shirt was off and on the ground and soon, all our clothes.

I closed my eyes, feeling Kristrin's lips on the side of my neck, the feeling of his fingers tracing the length of my spine.

I felt the pressure of his warm hand slightly gliding up and down my sex, his finger slipping inside me, his satisfying lips against my lips.

Our movements were fast paced and I desperately wanted to have more of him.

Before we could continue any further we heard the door opening and in came Steffon and Grace.

Damn it!

Cock blockers!

Now I know how it feels impeding on their lone time together.

"What are you two doing here?" I crouched down below the sofa while I peering out at them, quickly stopped them from advancing any further.

"Well I was just here to collect the rest of my stuff." Grace suggested advancing towards me.

I held out my hand stopping her from proceeding any further.

"Woah! Anna are you naked behind there?" Grace questioned seeing my top half completely clotheless while her hand immediately covered Steff eyes.

"Umm." Before I could continue Kristrin sat up on the sofa showing his top half completely naked as well.

"Kristrin?!" Grace yelled and just like that Steff immediately placed his hands over Grace's eyes.

"I see that we've invaded something private.......we'll just come back again later." Steff spoke as they awkwardly exited the house.

I slapped Kristrin hand as he tried continuing from where we had left off. I was traumatized and frightened............................ I could not believe Steff and Grace had walked in on us.

"Let's go to my bedroom." I cheerily suggested running to my room with Kristrin behind me.

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