39. Nothing like his company.

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Staying in Kristrin's office for lunch rather than going to the cafeteria for lunch was way more fun and had its perks, one of which was that I got to watch him work while admiring him from afar, another was that he would show more concern and we would get to chat about things, or we would get to playfully bicker about things, or I could tease him whenever I wanted, but most importantly, we could get to do naughty things we weren't supposed to do.

I ate my lunch at Kristrin's office as he worked on his projects. We were both working the same nine-to-five shift, so we had lunch at the same time, but Kristrin had to catch up on his work and decided to eat later.

"You know, all work and no play makes Kristrin a dull boy." From the other side of his desk, I taunted him with a small impish smirk.

Kristrin sat back in his chair, fiddling with his pen and keeping a tight eye on me as I ate the lunch he had chosen for me.

"You know, Mrs. Walker, the only reason I'm behind on work is because a lot of my time is spent tending to my excruciating needs, and right now it's taking everything I've got not to go round three on you." While I was eating, Kristrin's voice made me laugh.

"Well, we could always spend time in the cafeteria just like the others do, that way you could get more work done without having to put more time into your excruciating needs." I wiggled my eyebrows as I suggested to him.

"I want you to sit in front of me so you can eat whatever I serve you. You have a tendency to sneak away and eat stuff the doctor has told you not to eat. To work, I need solitude and silence." Hearing his remarks made me pout.

"Don't tempt me, Bella, and I certainly don't want Darren drooling over my gorgeous fiance while I'm away or not looking. Definitely not, little lady." Kristrin spoke in a possessive tone.

Kristrin sprang up and began carefully feeding me his meal, as he usually did when he felt I hadn't eaten enough for our baby and myself. Despite his busy schedule, he always made sure to take a brief break to look after me.

"I believe there are considerably far more suitable women than pregnant old me who have captured Darren's eye." As I ate, I rolled my eyes at him as he sat in front of me.

"Bella, you're worth considerably more than those other women in terms of physical beauty and financial security; you're the whole package. Your superiority is undeniable, and you're stunning, engaging, amusing, and terribly approachable to others. So, of course, he'd want to make a move on you, but his expectations are far too high, and I may have to lower them." I felt more gorgeous than Miss Universe and Miss World combined by the time Kristrin was finished.

Now how the hell would a girl like me feel insecure when I had a drop dead gorgeous man like Kristrin to make me feel like a queen every hour of the day?

His lips smashed into mine, demonstrating his undying love for me. I wanted to deepen our kiss, and I could see he wanted to as well, but he was restrained by the fact that he needed to get back to work.

Workplace romance was frowned upon, but Kristrin couldn't care less because he was my betrothed, and we couldn't be fired but be warned by my parents.

"Remind me to shut up the next time I open my mouth and suggest we go to the cafeteria," Going to the cafeteria to have Kristrin drooled over by a bunch of idiots is way less better than having my alone time with my fiance.

I kept a tight eye on Kristrin as he walked back around his desk to resume his job.

"I believe your remarks had an impact on more than just me. Your daughter seemed to be enthralled by your remarks as well. I guess you could say your remarks moved her; she's almost as enamored as I am." I smiled.

"Nothing makes me happier than knowing that my two girls are well fed and happy."  I was overjoyed that I would finally be his, and vice versa.

"That's why your accounted for Kristrin." I was so happy that I was going to finally be his once and for all, visa-versa.

"I wouldn't have it any other way, baby," I laughed as I made my way to the restroom to clean up.....

He was the one who was always able to bring a smile to my face.

Doctor Claire had ordered me to lay off the salted snacks for a time, but my hunger for them was out of control. Unfortunately, before I could eat any, the package was grabbed from my grasp, and I immediately adverted my eyes in bitter shame.


I couldn't even get a break to eat a snack outside either because everyone was on my damn case! Even my mom had the audacity to make a complain to Kristrin!

"Tell me Kristrin, how thick do you think I am on a scale of one to ten, with ten being the thickest?" I inquired as I exited his bathroom; I didn't want him to chastise me for the food, so I immediately altered the atmosphere of the room.

"Your pregnant not thick and even if you were, you'd be my type of thick." Kristrin replied without looking up from his papers, and I high once again, unable to contain my delight at his accolades.

"I'm curious what my parents' reaction would be if they saw us together." As the minutes ticked away, I spoke.

"Your parents have given me permission to look after you. If you stayed with me, Bella, I'm sure they wouldn't mind." Kristrin responded.

"You're right." I shook my head.

"It's time to get back to work," I sighed, hating the fact that I was leaving his presence.

I don't care if you think I'm poisonous for wanting to be in his arms or in his company twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Kristrin was the best part of me, and he knew how to look after me better than I did.

I'd get lazy now and then, and he'd step up and take complete care of me.

"Let me accompany you to your next patient." I made a funny face.

"You are quite the gentleman, aren't you?" He followed me out of his office.

I rolled my eyes when a few females walked by, obviously salivating over Kristrin. I returned my gaze to the females who were staring at him, seemingly unconcerned that I was standing directly next to him.

When Kristrin noticed my gaze was drawn to the women, he took my chin in his palm and planted a kiss on my lips, bringing all heads in our direction.

"Baby girl," He made me laugh by whispering in my ear before leaving.

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