[08] we're even.

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"What?" He turned around with worried eyes. Her voice was cracking and her breathing was uneven.

"Must you try to take him away? You're acting, aren't you?" Endeavour came out of nowhere and spat the words out, breaking her heart.

"You have to stay, F/n." Bakugou said seeing her nod hesitantly and get away from them. The stares she felt around her made her more anxious. She was going to collapse, she thought but she staggered out of the hall in the big garden and sat there on the grass and hugged herself, calming herself down but it wasn't working.

After a while, Bakugou excused himself because he had to see if she was okay. She was trembling when she came to ask.

After looking around for almost yhalf an hour. He finally found her but his heart broke when he saw her. She laying on the ground, trembling and trying to breathe. He rushed to her and hugged her close to him.

"N-No! Stay away!" She cried out.

"It's me, Katsuki, relax!" He rubbed her back.

"K-Katsuki." She sobbed. "I-I a-am sorry for e-everything." She stuttered, sniffling and clutching his black shirt with her fist. "Please f-forgive me."

Bakugou's heart clenched as he calmed her down. He had never seen her like this. He kissed her forehead. "It's alright."



Izuku and Eijiro looked at him, shocked. Katsuki glared at them, "We're going home."


"I didn't want to attend this shit anyways." He growled and left. His car opened and he sat her inside but she refused to let go of him.

"P-P-Please, don't l-leave m-me." She trembled. "I-I'm sc-scared. Th-the voices, they will c-come back."

She sounded so pained that Bakugou couldn't just leave her, he didn't care if they weren't in a relationship. He just wanted to comfort and kiss her until she's okay. He didn't even think about it and just got in the car with her on his laps as she silently cried on his chest.

What on earth happened to her after we fought?, He thought.

"F/n, what happened?" He asked, gently as he patted her back giving her little head rubs.

She looked up with teary broken eyes and shook her head as no. He sighed and nodded, understanding that she didn't wanna talk about it.

"Sleep." He kissed her forehead.

"I'm sorry, Katsuki..." She whispered.

"Hm...we'll talk tomorrow...sleep, okay?"

She didn't say anything and slept in his embrace as he kept giving her head rubs and stroking her back.
He felt so sleepy again like he felt when he first bought her home. He could never properly sleep after he left her. Being close to F/n made him feel content and happy but he didn't notice it and slept in the car with her.

He woke up in the middle of the night to see her sleeping cutely, her breathing was back to normal and her cheek was squished up against his chest.

He sighed and looked out. The party was still going.
He yawned, sleepily and decide to drive back home.

Once, he was home, he picked up the girl and made his way to his room. Laying her down there, he changed, stripping, just to wear grey pyjamas. He plopped down on the bed and turned to her side. His breath hitched, heart raced as he stared at her, lovingly under the moonlight. He wanted to kiss her. He wanted to hug her again. Why did she look so...shattered?
Still staring, he was captivated by her beauty just like that time. Unknowingly, his hand came to rub her cheek, feeling her shift closer, still asleep. He leaned in, his eye lids closed as he pressed his lip onto hers. It felt so calm, peaceful, so full of love. He didn't wanna pull back, just like that time.


Under the moonlight, F/n and Bakugou hung out.

The girl laughed brightly as they talked about random things.

"You're so fucking dumb!" He furrowed his brows, suppressing a laugh.

"And you are with me, so bear with it and also I am right! And that's a fact!"

"Shut up! You're saying Cows moo with regional accents."

"Yes, they do!" She pouted.

"Where do you read these kind of shits?" He fought a smile.

"You can laugh, y'know?"

"Huh?" He looked at her as they walked.

She stopped walking and turned her face towards him. "Don't hide from me." She smiled and cupped his cheeks. He reddened slightly and looked at her with slight wide eyes. She pulled his cheeks, giggling.
"You can smile, giggle, laugh. When you're with me, do what you want to, I won't say anything, I promise! I love it when you smile!" She rambled and immediately turned red after she came to her senses.

He looked away awkwardly. Same with her as they started walking.

"It's midnight. Why did you agree on coming with me-"

"You dragged me-"

"Still- you didn't blast me off." She argued. "Plus you're so punctual and we're breaking the rules."

"I was bored." He said.

"Wahh! Bored? That's why!?" She pouted.

"And ... I wanted to have some fun." He coughed, it was hard to say that.

"Are you having fun, then?" She asked with big eyes.

Was she not taken back by what he said? Maybe he could really say whatever he wants to and she would listen.

"I don't know! Stop asking me questions, dumbass!" He growled, kicking her leg. She flinched and kicked his leg, pouting.
She shivered when she felt the angry aura coming from Bakugou. She sprinted ahead, making him shoot explosions angrily as he chased her.

"Now we're even, y'know? I just did that because I read if we don't get even we grow horns!" She defended herself by saying whatever came to her mind.

"Like I am gonna believe that shit!" He snarled and jumped on you, tackling you down.

You coughed as his arm came around your neck.

"Eeeeh! Leave me, Idiot."


"Oops!" You struggled to get out of his grip.

He left your neck causing you to sigh in relief and get up but he pulled you down causing you to land down on his laps. You blushed.

"...What?" You asked as he stared at you intensely. You two were so close to each other. He came even closer making your heart beat loud in your chest.


He squinted his eyes.

"Why am I an idiot!?" He scowled.

"I don't know..." You trailed off staring into his eyes.

"What the-" You cut him off by kissing his lips and quickly pulled back blushing. His eyes widened and he just noticed he was so close to you. Your eyes widened. Did I just kiss him!?? He's gonna kill me. Your mind ran wild. Your musings were cut off when the same lips were pressed against yours as he kissed you.

Bakugou's and your cheeks heat up and heart raced.

He pulled back and looked into your eyes.

"We're even now...so we don't grow horns..." He whispered, embarrassed.

"H-huh?" You stared wide eyed at him.

"Damn it!" He slammed his lips on yours, cupping your cheeks.

You both kissed on some bridge with you on his laps. He didn't wanna pull back out of the kiss. Neither did you. But you had to, out of breath.

You both stared at each other after pulling back of the sweet kiss you shares.

You jolted as he pecked you again. His hand left your cheeks making you already miss his touch.

"What are you both doing here?" Aizawa came with a bored expression.


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