[31] the first target

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F/n heart was pounding in anxiety, sweat on her forehead, eyes tearing slightly tearing up, as she called Bakugou for the fourth time, and just like the last three calls, this one was also was not available.

"He's not picking up!" She said, worry laced in her voice as her leg went up and down rapidly in the car which was racing to the Wiz mall.

"It's okay, we're just about to reach." Momo whispered, patting her back in comfort.

She nodded. Yes, nothing is going to happen to him.

"He has to be okay. He's Bakugou," Kirishima muttered, trying to ease the collective worry in the vehicle.

The moment they arrived at the scene, F/n rushed out of the car, her eyes scanning the area for any sign of Bakugou.
"Katsuki!" she called out, her voice a mix of urgency and desperation.

There was no reply. A trainee who was already there, bruised, bleeding heavily from everywhere, approached, limping, "He's not here."

F/n's heart sank, panic setting in, as Deku called the medics for him. "Where is he?" She asked.

"He went after the villain. We need to find him," he said.

F/n shook her head, "no, you stay here. We'll go. Take care." She said in a rush.

The urgency in F/n's movements was palpable as she disregarded the chaotic scene around her. The trainee's condition only intensified her worry, and the words "He went after the villain" echoed in her mind.

Then, a distant explosion pierced the air. F/n's head snapped in the direction of the sound, her heart pounding even faster. Without a second thought, she sprinted towards the source, the team following closely behind.

As they reached the origin of the explosion, relief washed over F/n. Bakugou stood tall, battered, bruised, but alive, his fiery resolve undiminished. She couldn't help but rush towards him, ignoring the villain who was running away, and hugged him tightly, "You're okay..." She reassured herself more than anyone.

He grunted in response, his bruises hurting, "That fucker got away. He was the twin. The real villain."

"It's okay. We'll catch him. First, let's go and get you treated." She said, pulling back, and locking their eyes. The concern was still there in her eyes.

Bakugou sighed, "No! I was close to fucking kill him, he's bruised too! We can win this if we go after him."

Kirishima called the medics team over there too, as everyone gathered information from bakugou. He was still frustrated about the whole thing, and the slipping away of the twin.

F/n said, "you're not going anywhere. Uraraka will send a team there." She looked at ochako as she nodded, and then looked back at Bakugou while he glared at her, "I have to go," he growled as the medics quickly approached, assessing Bakugou's condition.

Izuku chimed in, f/n thankful for his interruption as he said, "the villain got away."

Crackling sounds came from the blonde's hands about to blast someone or something off as the medics did their work, causing f/n to bite her lip and worry.

"Don't worry, we'll catch him." She said softly, knowing how much all of this angered Bakugou.

"I would've caught him if you would've fucking let me and not jumped on me the first second you got here!"

F/n's heart raced as Bakugou's frustration boiled over, his words cutting through the tense air. She took a step forward in order to console him, "i-"

He cut her off, mumbling as he looked down, not wanting to take his anger out on her, "just leave me alone for a while."

"Katsuki-" She began again only to get a voice-raised response, "F/n, now."
Her lips came in a frown and she just stepped back, going far away from him as he collected his thoughts.

The chaotic scene around them slowly transformed into a controlled environment as medics tended to his injuries. She couldn't shake off the worry that lingered in her gaze.

Bakugou hadn't talked to her. Not while they were in the car. Not on the ride home. And not now, just sitting across the couch with Bakugou scrolling with his phone, his right arm in a plaster.

F/n was thinking about what to say, where to start. It felt weird, him being angry with her. It had been a long time. She kept thinking how each conversation would go but she couldn't decide what to stay.

Bakugou sighed and got up to go to bed, with hurrying f/n following behind him.

F/n trailed behind Bakugou as he headed to bed, the tension between them palpable.
She hesitated for a moment before quietly speaking, "Katsuki, we need to talk."

He shot her a glance, his expression unreadable. "Talk about what? You already know I'm pissed."

She took a deep breath, "I get it, and I'm sorry for jumping on you back there. I-I was just relieved to see you okay."

Bakugou paused, his stern gaze hardening, "You don't get it. I had him, and you interfered."

She looked down guiltily. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to- it-it just happened."

Bakugou sighed, the frustration evident in his voice. "Just happened? This isn't some game, and it's not about you feeling relieved. You put yourself in danger, and you messed up the whole thing."

Her lip wobbled, and she looked away, "th-that wasn't my intention, y'know."

"You need to think before you act, damn it." He grunted, "I don't want to be babysitting you in the field."

"I wasn't-" she began but he cut her off.

"I don't want excuses, f/n!" Bakugou snapped, his frustration escalating. "I don't need someone slowing me down because they can't control themselves."

"you were hurt..." She said.

"I don't give a damn if I was hurt! That's my problem to deal with, not yours!" Bakugou retorted, his harsh tone cutting through the air.

"You can't just charge in without thinking. This isn't about your hero fantasies; it's about doing the damn job right!"

Her attempt to defend herself faltered as he continued, "I don't need someone dragging me down. If you can't handle that, then maybe you're not cut out for this line of work."

F/n's heart clenched as she swallowed hard, feeling the weight of his criticism. "I'll... I'll be more careful."

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