[33] danso

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"Ah, Kaachan!" Izuku smiled, "you're here. How are you? And where is f/n?"

"She's with the girls, and I'm fine." Bakugou replied.

"Your plaster..." He tilted his head, looking down at his hand.

"It irritated me so I took it off." He glared into space.

"Okay." Izuku nodded, "Okay, well we got the Villain's location. So I'm confused on what to do? And Tenya isn't here, so you should give me some advice. Do we like go catch him? Or do we wait because this just seems to easy?" He rambled.

Bakugou crossed his arms, his expression thoughtful as he considered Izuku's question. "If we've got his location, then we don't have time to waste," he replied, his voice firm. "We need to move fast before he has a chance to slip away again."

"But," he continued, "we need to be cautious. This could be a trap, and walking into it blindly would be stupid. We should gather as much information as we can before making a move."

Bakugou's gaze shifted to f/n, still talking to Izuku,"Get in touch with Tenya and update him on this. I'll be back after discussing this with f/n."

When he got a nod from Midoriya, he walked to f/n who was eating nachos, and working on a computer, talking with Ochako.

Bakugou approached F/n and leaned against the desk, catching her attention away from the computer screen. "Hey, pretty," he started, "we need to talk strategy."

F/n looked up from her work, smiling at the nickname, nodding as she set aside her nachos. "Yeah, what's the plan?"

Bakugou glanced around to make sure they weren't being overheard before continuing, "We've got the location, but we can't just charge in. It could be a trap."

"Exactly," F/n agreed, her expression serious. "We need to gather more intel first."

"Surveillance," Bakugou suggested. "We set up some cameras, keep an eye on the area without tipping our hand."

"Good idea," F/n nodded. "I'll check if there are any cameras, first, and let you know. Could you tell Kirishima to install cameras there?"

"I texted him." He straightened his back, and f/n looked up to him from the chair she was sitting on, as he cracked his neck. Her heart raced at such a simple thing, as she asked, "you going somewhere?"

"On patrol. Gonna see if there are any attacks or not?" He leaned down once again, and his gaze met with Ochako who was staring at them interacting. She smiled, and looked away nervously when Bakugou glared at her. He then turned to the girl who was growing, and was about to tell him off, but he gave her a lingering kiss, stealing all the words from her mouth, and leaving her flustered in the work place. "Bye."

Some time later, F/n was cracking her knuckles and yawning as she went out for some fresh air. Suddenly, a chill rushed over, and just as she was about to activate her quirk, she was hit in the head with something metal.

When F/n regained consciousness, she found herself in a dimly lit room, the only light coming was through the space between the door and the floor. Her head throbbed with pain. Disoriented and groggy, she tried to move, only to realize that her hands and feet were bound tightly with restraints.

Her eyes widened. She had been kidnapped. Most likely by the twin, the villain. She tried to calm her breathing, and slowly tried to use her quirk to manipulate a sharp object to float to her.

Very quietly the sharp metal was placed onto her hands and she held it tightly, when a bang was heard. And the door was open, the light coming through shining right on her face.

She squinted against the sudden brightness, trying to make out the figure standing in the doorway.A shadowy figure stepped into the room, their features obscured by the harsh glare of the light.

F/n's heart pounded in her chest as she braced herself for whatever might come next.

"Ah, awake, are we? My name is Danso... though you already know if.," a chilling voice echoed in the room, sending shivers down F/n's spine. The Twin, Danso.

She remained silent, her muscles coiled with tension as she assessed her surroundings, searching for any possible means of escape.

The villain approached slowly, his movements deliberate and calculated. "You must be wondering why you're here," he continued, a sinister smirk playing on his lips.

Her nostrils flared, and eyes were wide and alert.

"Let's have a little chat, shall we?" the villain taunted, his eyes gleaming with malice as he advanced towards her.

"What?" She said, her voice firm, refusing to show signs of weakness.

He chuckled, "You know...your fiancé, oh, my bad, not fiancé anymore, since you spent one year apart." He began again, "your boyfriend." He growled, "killed my brother."

Her eyebrows came down together, "He was hurting people all around." She said through gritted teeth, mean while her hands slowly tilted the sharp object, accidentally cutting herself a little, as she tried to undo the tight rope.

"Ah-ah." He shook his headw with a pout, "you didn't let me finish."

She stared at him intensely as he spoke, "Almost two years ago, there was an attack in restinsone hotel. My father and my sister died."

Guilt hit her like a brick again. And her breathing quickened. She tried to calm herself down, all the while her quirk still worked to untie her hands. "I'm sorr-"

He cut her off, laughing loudly at her state,"oh, no, you're not, or you won't be after you hear this. They were the villains of that attack, and you guys killed them. Midoriya, and Uraraka. They killed them."

Her eyes widened in confusion, "what?" She whispered. "So this all is connected to then?"

"Indeed. Our idea to control the world with our precious, outstanding quirks was all crumbled, burned down to the ground very ground my father and sister died on." He made a sad face. "My father passed his dream on to me and my twin." He smiled, and then laughed loudly, very loudly, maniacally, sending goosebumps through her skin. He laughed until there were tears dropping from his eyes, "And then you killed him too! He was the only one left" he shouted, spitting his words out which made f/n recoil.

She was listening to him, but half her focus was on cutting thick rope which seemed to be not getting cut any time soon.

Danso, the Villain's eyes, furrowed and his expression became angrier. He kicked F/n on the chest, causing her to cough. He leaned down to take that sharp object from her hands, and turning into dust. "I'll kill you... I'll kill you like you all killed my family. I'll kill his family. Dynamite's family. But first, I'll torture you until you beg for death." His eyes murderously glinted, he smiled so wide that it was psychopathic. His hand came to her chin making her turn her head the other way.

He scowled and harshly gripped her chin to make her look at him.

His voice dripped with malice as he spoke, each word laced with a sinister promise."You thought you could escape justice, didn't you?" he hissed, his breath hot against her skin.

"But justice has many faces, and I am its instrument. You will suffer for the sins of your comrades, and I will revel in your agony."A twisted smile twisted his lips as he leaned in closer, his gaze piercing into her soul.

"Your screams will be music to my ears, and your pain will be my masterpiece. You will beg for death, but I will deny you that release. For I am the harbinger of your torment, and in my hands, you will find only despair."

F/n's blood ran cold at his words, realizing the true extent of the darkness that lurked within this villain's twisted mind.

She stayed silent, planning, thinking of something as he slapped her and left her alone when he got a call.

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