[34] gone

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Bakugou pursed his lips, looking for F/n. "Where's she?" He mumbled to himself, a bad feeling creeping into his chest but he pushed it down. It was probably nothing, right?


"Jirou? Uraraka? Where's f/n?" Bakugou raised his voice, deep and firm.

"Well, she went out from some fresh air. Hasn't returned yet." Jirou said. "Is everything alright?"

"She's fucking nowhere to be found. Do me a favour and check the ladies room quickly" he said.

Uraraka came, huffing, "she's not on any of the washrooms!"

Bakugou's muscles tensed at the news, his mind racing with a thousand possibilities, none of them good. His gut told him that something was wrong, and he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that gripped his chest.

Without hesitation, Bakugou stormed out of the room, his steps quick and purposeful as he searched for any sign of F/n.

As Bakugou stormed through the halls, his eyes scanned every corner, every shadow, desperate for any sign of F/n. His heart pounded with worry, each beat echoing in his ears as he called out her name, his voice laced with urgency.

"F/n! Where the hell are you?" he shouted, his voice reverberating through the empty corridors.

His mind raced with worst-case scenarios, each more terrifying than the last. Was she hurt? Was she in danger? The thought of something happening to her sent a surge of panic coursing through his veins, driving him to search even harder.

He checked every room, every nook and cranny, refusing to give up hope.

But he wasn't an idiot. His chest tightened with dread as the realization hit him like a punch to the gut. F/n had been taken, and he wasn't there to protect her. Anger boiled inside him, mixing with the fear and frustration that threatened to consume him whole.

"I am going to the said location, Deku. Send a team there quick."

Izuku nodded, his expression mirroring Bakugou's urgency. "Got it. I'll notify the team immediately and provide backup as soon as possible."

Bakugou and the team searched everywhere at the possible locations but there was no avail, no trace of F/n, and Bakugou's heart and head, was both pounding in adrenaline. He knew this was coming. He should've kept F/n with him. Thoughts ran with all the possibilities.

Everywhere was chaos. Because the villain had a hero as hostage. A hero who was Dynamite's whole heart.

All the computers, phones, televisions across the country were hacked once again, and it showed F/n who was beaten up, in a puddle of her own blood. Hands tied behind back and shivering.

Bakugou's grip on his phone tightened, his knuckles turning white as rage coursed through his veins. The image of F/n, battered and bloodied, filled him with a fury unlike anything he had ever felt before. His mind raced with thoughts of retaliation, of tearing Danso limb from limb for daring to lay a hand on her.

"This message is for Bakugou, Midoriya, and Uraraka." The voice spoke. "and of course the updates for the people." The voice of Danso said as he came into view, showing his face. His lips stretched as he looked at f/n behind her, and then looked straight at the camera. His eyes murderous. "You killed my family, I'll kill yours, Bakugou." He breathed, the intent of his dangerous tone so high that it could be heard through devices.

A chill ran down Bakugou's spine. Anxiety and fear creeping in. Don't touch her. Don't touch her. Don't touch her. Don't touch her. Don't touch her. Don't fucking touch her. His mind chanted.

Danso had paused to let it sink in, and then spoke again, "Midoriya's mother is with me too. Oh, and Uraraka's father." He smirked.

The gasp and cries of Uraraka were heard, and Izuku was shocked and horrified.

The villain had taken not just F/n, but also innocent civilians who had nothing to do with their conflict.

Swallowing the lump in his throat, Bakugou forced himself to focus, his mind racing as he tried to come up with a plan. He couldn't afford to let his emotions cloud his judgment, not when the lives of his friends and loved ones were at stake.

"We need to act fast," he growled, his voice tight with tension. "We'll coordinate with the authorities and form a rescue team. No one touches them until we get there."

His jaw clenched as he made a silent vow to himself. He would stop at nothing to bring F/n back safely, even if it meant facing Danso head-on and risking everything. Even if it meant risking the world, he did not care. He couldn't risk losing f/n again.

"Kaachan." Izuku called, his gaze serious, "Everything will work out. Let's do it."

As if reading everyone's mind, The video spoke, "How are you going to catch me, you don't even know where I am." He was about to laugh when f/n shouted at the top of her lungs  "25 Evestreet, 5th lane, the abandoned building!"

And the screen went black.

The heroes' eyes lit up, and Bakugou felt a surge of pride within him. He nodded to Izuku, his face still serious and filled with rage.

After F/n shouted the location, anger flashed in Danso's eyes, his expression contorted with rage. He stormed towards her, his steps heavy and purposeful, a dangerous glint in his eyes.

"You little brat," he snarled, his voice dripping with venom. "You think you can defy me and get away with it?"F/n's heart pounded in her chest, but she refused to back down.

She met Danso's gaze head-on, her defiance unwavering despite the fear that threatened to consume her.

He kicked her in her abdomen and she gritted her teeth in pain. But she had to save people. There were two other people in there with her. Izuku's mother, and Uraraka's father.

A wave of power went through her body, and she screamed back as he ropes losened and the building shook from beneath the ground, making Danso stumble back and fall down with wide eyes.

The sheer force of F/n's quirk caught him off guard, causing him to lose his balance and fall to the ground.

F/n took advantage of the momentary distraction, scrambling to her feet as she fought through the pain, her eyes blazing with determination.

She refused to let Danso win, not when the lives of innocent people were at stake.

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