[10] Dynamite and Dumbass

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F/n sat on a swing, staring at the ring on her finger and Bakugou's ring which was in her hand. She loved him so much. She would always do. He was just perfect for her. His soft smiles he rarely gave, his angry handsome face, the way he said "no cuddles" but when you cuddled him, he was the first one to sleep. His soft snores if he was exhausted from the work. His habit of holding your hand in public, tightly. And the forehead kisses he gave you! When he picked the habit of eating icecream every next day from you. Your first kiss.

She smiled, biting her lip to hold the tears in.

How his hugs were always warm and welcoming even when he said he "hated" it. And that time when he told you all his insecurities and secrets because he trusted you very much. He loved you. He didn't want you to hide anything from him, neither would he ever hide. The nights you played with each other, made love, talked about meaningless things and meaningful things, reading a book together. Kicking each other, hitting each other. Running around the house with smiles on your face, when he wasn't afraid to hide his smiles in front of you. He happily let his emotions out when he was with you.

There were so many more memories. Now she was going forget them all when she dies, and she hated that.

She looked up from the rings, clenching them tightly in her hand. She spent the money she had just gotten from the case they were on to hire a taxi to get her to that one beautiful bridge where her and Katsuki shared their first sweet kiss.

F/n looked around, and took a deep sigh. There was no one around. She couldn't take it anymore, but she also didn't want to commit suicide. She thought too many times about it coming to the conclusion, she would disappear again, living in the woods a dead life. And she didn't want to be a stalker but she wanted to see how Katsuki goes on with his life. She could secretly and quietly admire him- no, she can't. They are complete strangers now. Bakugou would want her to respect him and his privacy. She would do that.
She would have to work many part time jobs like before.

She sighed.

"AGHH!" A agonising scream was heard.

F/n turned around, immediately calling an ambulance.
A man had stabbed a couple and took their belongings. She jumped and manipulated his steps making him trip. Her quick moments worked, as her eyebrows came down together, locking the guy's hand with both her legs. The knife in the man's hand came to her as she controlled it.
"Don't move." She said sternly, the knife right beside his neck.

"I am not the only person, here." He smirked.

Her expression remained same but her eyes looked around, spotting the two other ones right away.

Her one hand came towards the running men and controlled their steps. While her attention was there, the man below her used his quirk, spikes came out of his body like a porcupine.

She controlled his quirk too, wincing, as he hurt her so much that she had to leave him.

People were now watching as she jumped and smashed the two men with a hard punches and kicked the other. Just stumbling back with a kick, the man used his quirk again, punching her with those sharp thorns. She stopped her by holding his spiky hand and harshly flipped him on the floor causing him to faint. Her hand bled profusely, lunging and controlling their moments she kicked and punched them, finally giving them a stern hand on their neck, knocking both of them out.

Another man came out of nowhere, jumping was his quirk. He jumped with a big knife in his hand.

"Shit!" She cursed, sensing him and turning around but it was too late to manipulate his movements. A blast was heard followed by gasps.


He tsked and turned around to look at her who had disappeared from their already.

Bakugou sighed as the cops arrived, always late, and the ambulance, taking the guy. He talked to them, scolding them that they were late and explaining him what had happened.

F/n sobbed, crying. Every time she looked at him, she wanted to run into his arms and never leave his embrace. But she couldn't do that. She was not allowed to do that. She had no right to.

She whimpered, her hand still bleeding. Loss of blood caused her to faint, she was feeling weak too.

Bakugou looked around for her. He wanted her to know that he believed her no matter what. He wanted to hold her. He was not a fool and was sure she would never do something like that. She didn't deserve anything that is happening to her. He knew she loved him very much. All the rumours are nothing but trash. She was a diamond of a girl and he didn't want to make the same mistake again. He wouldn't let her go this time.

Roaming around, he finally spotted her, her hand was bruised badly and she was leaning against the tailing if the bridge, very pale. He rushed to her and picked her up in his arms.

"Dumbass." He whispered, creating explosions from his free palm to fly and reach home fast.

He lied her down on his bed, wrapping bandages on her bruised part of the body. He stripped her and made her wear his black hoodie and nothing but her underwear before. The scarf around her neck. Why the hell did he choke her, back then? Damn his anger. He removed the scarf glaring at the burn marks. Angry at himself, he punched the wall.

Covering her with blankets, he lied down beside her and hugged her.

The blonde would hurt anyone who tried to abuse her verbally or anyhow. He would protect her. He would her give all of the love she wanted and she missed.

"I love you, F/n." He whispered in her ear, hugging her close.

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