[35] hurting herself

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"Mrs. Inko, Uraraka-san." F/n spoke as she held the villain in his place with her hand manipulating his moments with every fiber of her being, while also losing the ropes of the parents present there. "Go. Get out of this building, quickly, to the right!" She shouted as they scrambled to the feet, hesitating to leave her alone but they also knew this was for the best.

"Thank you," Inko Midoriya whispered, her voice filled with emotion as she glanced back at F/n with tear-filled eyes. "Please, be careful."

Uraraka's father nodded, his expression reflecting both worry and admiration for F/n's bravery. "We'll get help," he promised, before turning to follow Mrs. Inko towards the exit.

That was the limit. As they exited, her hand went limp somehow as Danso shape shifted into a monster like thing, with fangs and claws.

F/n jumped back, her eyes sharp and glaring.

His form twisted and contorted more into something out of a nightmare. He lunged af f/n who made him fall, using her manipulation quirk, trying to get in his head, trying to read his mind. Her eyes started glowing midnight blue as she really concentrated, while fighting the battle.

Bleeding from almost everywhere, still, she knew she could do this. She had to stop it. And she had to live. For katsuki.

The monster growled, and jumped at her, breaking free from her manipulation, and unfortunately, she was too late to react.
Now, Danso clawed at her neck which already had burn marks, breathing on her face, laughing maniacally, "oh, I love blood. Ah, I love it."

F/n gritted her teeth as Danso's claws tore into her skin, blood oozing from the wounds as she struggled to push him off.

With a surge of strength, she managed to push Danso back, creating enough space to catch her breath and assess the situation. Her eyes continued to glow with an intense blue light as she tapped into her manipulation quirk, probing Danso's mind for any weaknesses or vulnerabilities.

But Danso was relentless, his laughter echoing in the air as he lunged at her once again, his claws gleaming with malice.

F/n was quick and gathered all the sharp objects around and pointed it to Danso, causing him to growl in pain. Wasting no time, she collected all the energy, all the air, and there Danso back with the force of it. She panted, as the wall broke from the impact. The building shook, and she had the urge to vomit, and she did vomit blood from all the injuries.

There was no saying of how long she would stand through it all.

Danso, more maniac than ever was ready to tear her apart. F/n braced herself for the impact, her mind racing as she prepared to defend herself against his onslaught. She breathed heavily, the pain was too much, and her eyes were flicker-glowing.

Danso once again held her throat, trying to kill her on the spot.

F/n's breath caught in her throat as Danso's claws closed around her neck, his grip tightening with every passing moment. The pain was excruciating, each breath a struggle as she fought against the suffocating pressure.

She was losing consciousness. She had lost a lot of blood. As her vision started to dim and darkness closed in around her, a sudden explosion rocked the room, sending debris flying in all directions.

Bakugou stormed into the scene, his eyes blazing with fury as he took in the sight of Danso attacking F/n.

Without a moment's hesitation, he lunged forward, his movements swift and precise as he unleashed a powerful blast of explosive energy.

The force of the explosion engulfed Danso, sending him flying backwards with a deafening roar. The villain's monstrous form crumbled to the ground, defeated by Bakugou's relentless assault.

With a flick of his wrist, Bakugou extinguished the flames that danced around him, his expression dark and unforgiving as he turned his attention to F/n.

Rushing to her side, Bakugou gently lifted her into his arms, his heart pounding with fear as he assessed her injuries. "F/n, hang on," he whispered, his voice filled with emotion. "I've got you. You're gonna be okay."

Meanwhile, Deku and Uraraka fought off the villain's minions, their teamwork and determination driving them forward despite the chaos that surrounded them.

F/n's fluttered opened and she clung to bakugou instantly. However, it wasn't over just yet.

Danso came, looking more powerful, his eyes murderous, and his lips in a smirk. His body was engulfed in flames, casting an ominous glow that illuminated the room with an eerie light.

Bakugou's jaw clenched as he stared down his nemesis, his own resolve burning just as brightly as Danso's flames. He tightened his grip on F/n, shielding her protectively as he prepared to face the villain once again.

Deku and Uraraka rushed to their sides as well, having finished what they were assigned to.

With a sudden burst of speed, Danso lunged forward, his body morphing and contorting with each step as he closed the distance between them.

Bakugou met him head-on, his explosions lighting up the darkness as he unleashed a barrage of powerful blasts.

But Danso was quick and elusive, his shape-shifting abilities allowing him to dodge and weave through Bakugou's attacks with ease. With each passing moment, he shifted his form, becoming increasingly unpredictable as he launched his own counterattacks against Bakugou.

Bakugou knew that he had to end this quickly, before Danso could gain the upper hand and turn the tide of the battle in his favor.

He galnces at f/n who was breathing in short low breaths. He knew he didn't have much time.

"Back me up." He nodded his head to them, fighting.

F/n wasn't thinking straight, yet she knew that she had to do something. It was too dangerous, and she knew that bakugou's attack could backfire on him.

Focusing, her last bit of energy, she got into the Villain's head.

As F/n focused her last bit of energy, delving into Danso's mind, she felt a surge of resistance. The villain's thoughts were twisted and chaotic, a maelstrom of darkness that threatened to overwhelm her. But that wasn't happening. She wouldn't let it.

Finally, she made his mind stumble. And Bakugou instantly knew what she was doing. Had she gone crazy? "Are you fucking insane, F/n?! Stop, right now!" He yelled at her barraging explosions at Danso.

F/n didn't stop.

"Deku, Uraraka, stop f/n. She is hurting herself!"

They nodded, stopped fighting with the villain, and quickly went to her side, as she coughed blood. They tried to move her head to the other side so she stops, and after trying and trying she finally fainted.

Summoning every ounce of strength he had, Bakugou unleashed a final, devastating explosion, the force of it sending Danso hurtling through the air with a deafening roar.

As the dust settled, Bakugou stood straight, his clothes slightly torn, muscles all in view with the blood.

He rushed to F/n's side the first chance he got, as the villain lay dead there in a pool of his own blood.

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