[29] heroes, and fellow citizens

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F/n's eyes squinted at the computer as everyone surrounded her, looking at the crimes that are being committed all over the country which was being shown to them.

Katsuki's arm came to F/n's chest and he pulled her back, her chair moving back to, as if to protect her.

The deep robotic voice spoke, "Hi, heroes, and fellow citizens. You know who I am. The brother of the one Dynamite and Manipulator killed. It is simply my belief to create a new world order, but you, heroes, have not cooperated with that as for now. I truly wish you do and welcome yourselves in the world of crime." The voice chuckled, "But as Far as I know you all, you will not succumb to the beautiful violence so I shall end you all. Slowly, gradually, one by one. You will be all killed. Surrender and you and your loved ones will survive."
A shiver went down F/n's spine.
"The end. Oh, and I'll find out where this computer has been plugged in-" Momo that was standing near the plug quickly pulled it off, her eyes worried.

Silence was washed over all of them for a moment.
"Oh, fucking hell!" Bakugou cursed.

Todoroki began, "We have to put our families on lockdown and put trainees to guard them."

Izuku nodded.

Kaminari muttered, stressed, "Yeah, no shit, sherlock."

F/n sighed out, standing up, "A personalized computer, Katsuki, can you get me that? I'll see what I can do. We have to track him down."

"I'm buying a new one. That could work better, I guess." Bakugou huffed, and confirmed it when f/n said, "yes, I'll come with you!"

Jirou quipped before we could leave, "I'll help you! I know deep hacking. I am positive if we work together we can catch that guy."

F/n nodded at her once, her gaze focused, "sure. We'll get back soon."

"Deku, Todoroki, Kirishima," Bakugou began, his tone so dead serious, it made everyone nearly shiver, "Get those trainees on work."

And they left to get a new computer right away.

Bakugou and F/n hastily entered the tech store, the urgency reflected in their determined strides. The fluorescent lights overhead illuminated rows of sleek computers.

Bakugou scowled at the options, muttering, "We need the best damn thing they got. No time for second-rate crap."
F/n nodded in agreement, her focus on finding a computer that could match the villain's advanced technology.

After careful consideration, they settled on a high-performance model. Bakugou swiftly purchased it, and they headed back.

Jirou was ready with the set up, the desk and chairs and all.

Bakugou handed the computer to F/n, his expression fierce. "Make sure this damn thing helps us kick that psycho's ass."

F/n smiled at him, "Yes. I'll do good. I promise."

"Good. I'm gonna go help them." Bakugou said, hurrying out, to take precautions for the country. Because this was no small matter now. It was unbelievably large and they needed full task force on this.

Setting up the computers, they sat down. "okay, we got this."

F/n's fingers danced across the keyboard, her eyes focused on the screen displaying the crimes spreading across the country. Jirou, with her deep hacking skills, worked together to find the location.

Meanwhile, Bakugou coordinated efforts to secure the country, fully aware that this threat required a united front.

There was a reporter looming around asking questions about the video, as they all secured the area.

Apparently, the video had been shown everywhere in this country.

Deku was the victim of that reporter, and was getting all frustrated about it but wasn't wanting to be rude, and that's when Bakugou came, his glare hardening, "Get out of here!" He said, angrily.

"But, Dynamite! What do you have to say about everyone being in danger?" The man said, his camerman behind him.

And as usual, Bakugou lost it, rightfully so. He snarled at him, "Listen up, you nosy bastard! We're dealing with a psychopath here, not some damn gossip column. So how 'bout you take your camera and shove it where the sun don't shine or I'll show you what danger look like if you keep buzzing around me like a fucking mosquito." He scowled, giving away deathful glares.

His fiery words left no room for further inquiries, and the reporter wisely retreated, realizing Bakugou's tolerance for nonsense had reached its limit.

"Deku, did you check up on the hacking team?"

"Yes. They are getting on to finding the location."

"Oh, some good news, finally." Todoroki spoke, coming towards them, just then a blast happened near them, and noises people screaming filled the area.

They all shot up, todoroki skating through ice, Deku levitating, and Bakugou with his explosions to get nearby where they saw a man who was had no quirk, had very strechy arms that extended, but what he di have was bombs around him in his bag, a whole lot of 'em.

The heroes, when reached, glared at the man in front of him who looked at them with a big goofy smile.

Todoroki followed, creating walls of ice to shield against the explosive onslaught. Meanwhile, Deku levitated in the air, analyzing the situation for the best course of action.

The villain, with his stretchy arms and deadly payload, remained a formidable adversary.

Bakugou, with a thunderous roar, unleashed a barrage of explosions towards the villain, attempting to disorient him. Todoroki encased the area in ice, restricting the villain's movements.

Deku, calculating the precise moment, descended with incredible speed, ready to strike.The villain, however, proved nimble, evading Bakugou's explosions and wriggling out of Todoroki's icy restraints.

He retaliated with a barrage of explosive punches using his stretchy arms, catching the heroes off guard.In the midst of the chaos, Bakugou gritted his teeth, determination burning in his eyes.

He signaled to the others, coordinating their efforts. Todoroki created a massive wall of ice, deflecting the villain's attacks, while Deku charged up for a devastating punch.

Bakugou, seizing the opportunity, unleashed a concentrated explosion aimed at the villain's feet, destabilizing him.

Deku followed with a powerful punch, and Todoroki encased the villain in a solid block of ice.The villain, now immobilized, struggled against the icy prison.

Bakugou, not one to show mercy, approached with a fierce scowl. He gathered explosive energy in his palms, ready to deliver the final blow. And he did, exploding his head off, "Son of a bitch." He muttered.

Todoroki and Izuku grimaced, "Ugh"
"That's a pretty nasty sight." Todoroki commented.

"Don't look at it, you idiot." Bakugou said, quite disgusted himself at the sight of brains.

Kirishima came running, "you guys alright?"

"Yeah, call the medical team over." Bakugou said jumping off the ice.

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