[37] that's amazing

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Izuku and Ochako congratulated them and hugged them. And they were just so so so so so happy for them.

"You knew about this, broccoli, didn't you?" F/n squinted her eyes.

"I did," Izuku admitted with a grin. "You should've seen Kacchan's face when he came to ask for my help." He chuckled, the memory bringing a smile to his face.Bakugou, on the other hand, growled in mock annoyance, his cheeks tinted with a faint blush. "Shut up, Deku," he muttered, though the fondness in his eyes betrayed his true feelings.

f/n plopped her head on Katsuki's chest, looking up at him as she smiled widely. She was still overwhelmed.

Uraraka spoke, "He prepared it so beautiful." She looked at them with heart eyes, "I love you guys together!" She said excitedly, and it just made f/n more happier. "Thank you," she whispered, finally looking at Uraraka.

"Alright, congratulations once again, you guys." Izuku smiled softly, "we'll leave you two to celebrate now."

Katsuki nodded at them, clutching f/n closer.

With their friends giving them some privacy, F/n and Bakugou were left alone in the enchanting garden. Surrounded by the soft glow of fairy lights and the fragrant scent of wildflowers, they shared a moment of quiet bliss.

Bakugou cupped F/n's face gently, his touch tender and filled with love as he gazed into her eyes. "I'm sorry for making you worry," he murmured, his voice soft yet filled with sincerity.
"But I needed to do this, to show you how much you mean to me. You know because you love gardens because they're green and all that?"

F/n's heart swelled with warmth at his words, her eyes sparkling with emotion as she reached up to caress his cheek. "You didn't have to go through all this trouble," she whispered, her voice filled with love.
"But I'm glad you did. This is the most beautiful surprise I could've ever asked for."

Bakugou leaned in, pressing his forehead against hers as he breathed in her scent, feeling a sense of peace wash over him in her presence. "I love you, F/n," he whispered, his voice barely above a whisper but carrying the weight of his feelings.

She stretched on her toes to kiss him softly on the lips. Bakugou closed his eyes, pulling her closer as he kissed her back, and spoke in between ravaging his lips on her, "you wanna," he whispered against her lips, "know what else is special today."

"What?" She panted, kissing him back, clutching his collar of the white shirt tightly he was wearing. Her heart raced and her mind was already a hazy mess.

A smirk spread on his lips, "this is our private property."

Her forehead rested against his as he set her on the table kept there, "huh?" She widened her eyes slightly.

"This is our very own garden," he stared at her and pecked her lips twice.

"You bought it?!" Her eyes lit up. She truly loved this garden the moment she set her eyes on it.

"Yes. I did. Ya know you would've known if you had any sense of direction, that this garden is exactly behind our bungalow."

"What?!" She shouted, shocked, "oh, my god. That's amazing!" She smiled.

"That's not all that is amazing, y'know." His hands trailed up her back, teasing her as she blushed, waiting for him to continue, "I get to fuck you here," he smirked, his voice a raspy whisper, as he lowered the zipper of the top she was wearing, "and that's amazing."

F/n's eyes sparkled with excitement, her cheeks reddening even more. She nodded, "that is amazing."

Her heart rate sky rocketed and her breath became shallow when Bakugou took hold of her waist, pulling her closer to him, her body pressed up against his. The feeling of desire began to overtake her as she could feel his muscular physique pressed against her. Her body was tingling all over as he lowered the zipper of her top even more. She couldn't help but shiver at the sensation of his touch, it was like he was electrifying her entire being.

They kissed again feverishly, both were feeling those butterflies erupting in their chest. "mmh," F/n made a sound, speaking in between kisses, "what if-mmh-someone saw us?"

"They won't." He replied back, hovering above her, as he ripped off her top finally, "It's ours."

As her top was ripped off, f/n’s breath hitched, her eyes widening, her cheeks flushing a bright shade of red. The feeling of exposure was extremely exhilarating yet intimidating as Bakugou looked at her with hungry, ravenous eyes.

Her heart was pounding so fast she could feel each beat. Every part of her body was tingling from his touch, the sensation of his fingertips stroking across her skin was making her body shiver more with each touch. His presence was overwhelming and yet so alluring.

Her hands traveled up his chest, her fingers grazing his muscular biceps as she took in his muscular build as he kept kissing her, leaving west kisses everywhere on her bare breasts, on her neck.

She couldn't think straight as all she wanted to do was to please him. Her lips found his again, as tongues invaded each other's mouth. Her hands hastily undid the buttons of his white shirt, and he took it off when it was done.

His fingers grazed the button of his jeans as he opened it, letting the tightness free. He breathed, and kneeled down, undoing her jeans this time, and the panties were ripped apart too.

"Agh." She yelled as he instantly plunged his fingers inside her, and his tongue graze her wetness, kissing it, sucking it.

She moaned loudly, feeling her body float, and her legs went numb as she clutched his hair, making him growl into her pussy.

She whimpered as her breaths became short and shallow, her fingers digging into his head as the sensations became even more intense. She felt so helpless, like she was being tossed around in a tsunami of ecstasy. "Katsuki...katsuki... I'm cl-close- ah hah." She moaned again, feeling her legs tremble.

And she came all around his face, and he still kept going and going, until she was a mess, and everything she was saying was incoherent, a babbling mess chanting his name. She screamed as she came again.

Bakugou smirked and kissed her, not letting her get any rest as she breathed heavily. Not even a minute later, after giving her body his marks, he slammed inside her, and groaned, "you feel so fucking good."

F/n opened her arms, wanting to hold him while he rammed inside her ruthlessly, "t-too big."

"Sh... I'm making it fit, baby." He whispered in her ear, leaning down and sucking he neck as he felt her nails dig into his back. He plunged in and out, wanting nothing more to give here ecstasy.
She clenched around him, making him growl once again, "fuck."

And his voice made her clench again. It felt weird. She was going to pee? Something like that. She wasn't able to comprehend anymore as Bakugou was fucking her brains out.

"Aghhhh!" She screamed, her juices squirting out on her dick.

He stopped, a little surprised but soon smirked, looking down, "damn, I'm making you squirt every time from now." He said, breathlessly, and resumed, slamming, over stimulating her, her legs were trembling again with pleasure, her eyes rolling to the back of her head, tears falling down. She truly looked fucked out. And the sight almost made Bakugou want to come.

His hips faltered, hearing her moan pure pleasure to his ears, and he came in the condom.

When did he have the time to slip the condom on? F/n wondered, as she involuntarily clenched, and unclenched, around him, finally catching her breath. 

"I love you."

"I love you."

They spoke, panting, at the same time, finding each other's eyes. Then, they laughed together.

F/n embraced Bakugou who picked her up, and after a while, to clean up, they went home together.


~The end~
Thank you so much everyone for reading!
I truly hope you enjoyed it.
A special thanks to KATSKWON who has supported me throughout this journey and has voted on literally every single chapter.
Thank you!
It really means a lot to me, you guys!
To everyone else, who has been reading, voting I seriously cannot thank you enough.

(P.s.- side chapters will be coming soon)

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