[32] this is love

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F/n was lying in one of the guest rooms, crying silently to herself. Her boyfriend acted like an asshole, but he was also right, but he didn't have to be that rude.

As the tears subsided, exhaustion took over, and F/n drifted into a troubled sleep.

As F/n continued to sleep, the door to her guest room slowly creaked open. Bakugou, unable to shake off the lingering unease from the previous day's argument, quietly entered. He observed her sleeping form, her features softened in the morning light.

"F/n?" He kept a hand on her cheeks, stroking it softly.

He fucked up again last night. Yesterday, after 15 minutes of fighting with her, he had realised that it was her concern for him that caused her to jump in, not the restlessness. He had to apologise.

She stirred, but kept sleeping.

"F/n, love." He whispered, leaning down, and kissing her on the forehead.

She fluttered her eyes open, dried tear on her cheeks. She looked at him, and immediately sat up, "Katsuki?"

Bakugou's eyes met hers as she sat up, a mixture of remorse and concern evident in his gaze. He hummed, his voice softer than usual. "I need to talk to you. About yesterday."

F/n nodded, wiping away the remnants of tears from her cheeks. "I know... I messed up, Katsuki. I'm sorry."

He sighed, realizing the need for his own apology. "No, I messed up. I shouldn't have gone off on you like that. I was... wrong."

F/n studied his expression, finding a sincerity she hadn't expected. "You're apologizing?"

Bakugou nodded, "Yeah. I shouldn't have treated you like that. It wasn't fair. You deserve to be in this work, I'm sorry for my words. I really fucked up with the choice of my words as usual."

She looked at him, nodding, tears in my eyes "You did fuck up. But it was my fault too at some part...I just got really scared. I was very scared. You were bleeding from everywhere but I shouldn't have jumped in like that. I should've trusted you to handle it."

"Come here," He opened his muscular arms open for her to quickly go to him, and hide away on his chest, as he hugged her. He kissed her head, "It's alright. It's fine, I am sorry I was being an ass. It's just... I need to figure out how to express myself without tearing everything down," he grumbled.

"You know how to do it, Katsuki. You've not snapped one time when I was all cranky all the time while healing. I've slapped you and you handled it great. What happened this time? What got to you?" She looked up at him from his chest, her eyes soft and watery.

He let out a breath, "The villain. It's..." He hesitated, "He said things about you which I want to get out my mind. When we were fighting, he said that you were fuckable, and he'll kill you, it was just a lot of fucked up things!"

She noticed how his eyes darkened as he looked into space, his hands were getting all sweaty and he was trying not to make explosion, or blast out anything as he continued, "I was just almost, heck- I almost killed him, and when you jumped in, I got angrier at you because I don't want to lose you."

Her heart ached, and she straddles him with her thighs on each side as she cupped his face, "you won't lose me, I promise that."

"I got a bad feeling, f/n. I knew it was something bad. And fucking hell, I am scared." He said, his eyebrows scrunched up as he looked into her eyes as she stared back at him.

F/n traced gentle patterns on Bakugou's cheeks, trying to soothe the turmoil in his gaze. "Katsuki, I'm here. Nothing that villain said matters, okay? I am not getting killed when you were almost kill him. Now then we know, he's not stronger than you, right? That means he is not stronger than the both of us together, right?"

"You're underestimating a villain." He looked at her as a warning. It was kind of a norm to never underestimate a villain.

"Be quiet, and listen to me." She shot him a cute glare, "we'll be fine if we are together." She stroked his cheeks with the thumb, looking in his eyes, "He can never hurt me because I know that I'll always have you." She smiled, a small one.

He didn't say anything for a momen, then his lips parted, "I hate feeling scared. I hate feeling like I can't protect you." He mumbled, holding her tighter by the waist on instinct.

"Oh, baby, let me be your strength and your weakness at the same time. Trust in me and fear for me, that's okay. I am scared too, but I trust in us. that is what makes us strong. And that trust is more than anything in this words, katsuki, it's more that whatever that villain said." She smiled, her hands still cupping his face, "y'know why do I trust us so much?"

"Why?" He whispered, scanning he beautiful features.

"Because it was you who made me. You stayed. You came back through hell, and got me out of hell, and you stayed. You made me trust in us so much. You made me strong," She whispered back, her voice soft.

Bakugou's gaze softened, and a mixture of emotions played on his face. F/n continued, her words carrying the weight of their shared history.

"You faced your demons, and in doing so, you became my hero. You made me believe in love, in strength in us. You know all that had happened to me, you were a big part of it." She inhaled, "but when you bought me back, and when I saw you sleeping on the couch while you holding me, and when you took me the therapist, when you handled all my tantrums for the past four months, including the slapping part, all while facing your own guilt and demons, that healed me." She breathed, tears in her eyes, "that made me trust is us. Because after everything, I'm still in your arms. We're still together. And I want to be in this safe, loving place with you forever. And whoever that tries to take this away is going to end up suffering." A tear dropped form her eyes.

Katsuki was on the verge of crying, he pursed his lips, looking up to hold the tears in, still his shoulders eased, "fuck, I'm not good at this emotional crap."

F/n cracked up, chuckling at him.

He started again, a smile on his lips, "I love you so much, f/n. You mean everything to me. Thank you...for being here, always." His voice rumbled in slowly whisper, as he looked at her with glassy eyes.

I smiled, and nodded, "I love you."

He hummed and looked at her lips. She was still cupping his face in her hands, as he leaned closer to her and pressed their lips together. Both their cheeks burned, and their hearts raced, and stomach erupted with butterflies.

F/n kisses him back, her hands pulling him to her as she leaned back plopping down on the bed.
Bakugou fumbled with the plaster on his hand, ripping it off as he kissed her.

"Mmh, katsuki..." she said in between kissing, as he then moved down to her neck, causing her to moan. "Your hand- ah!"

"Damn thing was holding me back." He grumbled against her neck, and then moved up to her lips to shut her up. He then stopped, pulled back, and looked into her eyes, finding stars in them, "I really love you."

She smiled, and he found his sun. "I really love you, too."

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