[06] strawberry, right?

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"I got another mission," Bakugou stated coldly. "Read all the information, memorize it till I come back."

F/n nodded and took the papers from his hand. "Be careful..." She mumbled but he caught her words and chose to ignore it, walking ahead.

She started going through the papers and memorizing everything. The guy had orange hair and was seen last at a park meeting with a teenager who had curly brown hair. They met around 5 P.M. And that's it. That was it, written in at least 5 papers was this little info.

It irritated her. That was almost as good as nothing. Bakugou and her both were geniuses at these kinds of things. That's why they were given the task but it was frustrating.

F/n sighed and tried to think about the little piece of info she had. Orange hair, huh? She thought. She had taken an AI course for one year and knew some hacking. "Should I test my skills?" She put Bakugou's specs on, which were on the table.

She opened his laptop, hacking all the cameras near the mentioned park. "got it!" She said with a slight smile on her face.
Now she had to print the papers in such a way that the orange-haired guy's face was seen and the teenager's too.

F/n worked for fifteen minutes on it and she finally managed to get the guy's side profile.

"Eeehh? It's not even clear." She pouted.

"Ay, Bakugou-san is calling for you!" A guy said rudely.

"He's back? It's been like 50 minutes only." She mumbled to herself, getting up from his chair.

"And, I don't think you are allowed to sit on his chair. You're nothing."

Her heart clenched. "Y-Yeah." She bowed. "I am sorry, Where is Bakugou?"

"In the infirmary."

"What? Why?" Worry laced in her voice as she ran to the infirmary.

"How are you feeling, Katsuki!?" She barged into the infirmary causing nurses to give her a weird look.

Bakugou looked up, his knee bruised and bleeding. He raised an eyebrow, why does she care?

"Did you memorize it?"

"Are you oka-"

"Oh, good-fucking-ness! It's none of your business, you are just here for the job!" He yelled at her, cutting her off.

"I am sorry." She looked down. "I did the work and I had to use your laptop-"

His eyes widened, "For what?"

"To hack the cameras so I can get his face and we can find him."

He sighed in relief. She doesn't look like she saw her photos. I guess I closed the tab.

"Anyway" He started when the nurse left them alone, giving F/n a disgusting stare. "Come here."

"Huh?" She walked closer to him with a blank expression but somehow he could see the worry and pain on her face.

"Don't use my things." He menaced and took off his glasses which she was wearing.

She bit her lip and nodded, feeling sad but didn't show it. "I won't, I am sorry."

"You can talk to me..." She mumbled after a while of silence. "You look irritated."

He breathed out and looked at her blank expression. His eyes softened unknowingly.

"The mission was easy, I didn't get hurt- If you laugh, I'll kill you- I got hurt because I tripped and fell in front of people." He said averting his gaze, embarrassed, it was his habit to tell her everything that happened in his daily life. She was the only one who loved him talking about, and was the only one who listened with interest and the only one he wanted to tell.

"Oh! That's okay." She didn't laugh. Well, she wanted to smile and tell him but she held it in.

"It's fucking embarrassing!" He said with a glare.

"Everyone trips, it's okay. You'll be fine after you eat ice cream." She stated with a small smile, she remembered how much he liked eating ice creams after an irritating mission. The memory made her smile.

Bakugou's heart raced. That small, almost unnoticeable smile, How long has it been? He missed her smile so much. Very much. He stared at her until the little smile was gone.

"Ice cream..." He whispered to himself, looking away. He wanted to eat ice cream, now. "Do you want to eat?" He asked, taking out his phone.

"Ah? no, I'm good." F/n informed.

He raised his eyebrows, There was no way, she'd ever say no to ice cream. "Strawberry, right?"

Her eyes quickly gazed at him as she nodded hesitantly. He ordered and they both went to his office.

Eating the delicious ice cream, they both discussed things. As usual, Bakugou was impressed by the work she had done. When they got mission together, before and he'd be awed by her work, he'd usually pat her head as affection but now, well, times were different. And F/n hated it.

F/n sneezed and sneezed again.

"What happened to you?" Bakugou scowled.

"Dust. I am sorry I'll try to control it." She said, sneezing one again. He sighed.

They were on their way to the park where he was last seen.

"In the footage, He never left the park so maybe this place has a hideout or some-" She sneezed yet again.

Bakugou ignored her sneezing and nodded his head. "We'll have to come tomorrow--" He cut his sentence off in the middle when he heard shuffling. He pulled her towards him causing her to breath to hitch and slammed her to a large tree present there. "Keep quiet." He whispered lowly in her ear. Her face reddened but she focused on the job.

"I'll call you tomorrow, we'll meet here."

"Sure. Such a good way to escape my fucked up life."

"Yeah! And remember no one should know about this. Never."

"Understood, I'll go now."

They listened to the conversation, carefully in the dark. All of a sudden a gust of wind tingled F/n's nose. Katsuki noticed she was about to sneeze. He peeked and saw the man still standing there. He couldn't ruin it. They were at a great advantage that the person didn't know that there were heroes behind him.

He looked back at her who was trying her best not to sneeze but it was difficult. He leaned down just as she was about to sneeze. He pinched her nose and attached their lips together. Her closed eyes widened as she felt Katsuki's lips against hers. His kiss was full of love, she found herself giving in but he pulled back and let her go.

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