[19] sweetheart

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3 months later

Bakugou and F/n sat in their garden, enjoying the calm atmosphere. Bakugou glanced at her, a small smile playing on his lips.

"You know, I've been thinking about these new villains we're dealing with. We need to be one step ahead of them."

F/n nodded, her eyes focused. "Now we know who they are, we should analyze their patterns and weaknesses. Maybe we can find a way to exploit them."

He grinned, impressed by her determination. "That's my girl. Always ready to kick some villainous ass."

A beautiful smile adored f/n's face, "but when will we start?" She said.

Bakugou's grin widened at her enthusiasm. "We can start right now if you want. I've got some new combat techniques I've been working on. Care for a little sparring session?"

"Okay." She spoke, excited. "Can I kiss you?"

"Why are you asking, dumbass?" Katsuki moved closer, hovering above her with a playful glare of his.
"Just...you know..." She gazed into his eyes, blushing.

Bakugou's playful glare softened as he looked into her eyes. He brushed a strand of hair behind her ear and leaned in, capturing her lips in a sweet and hot kiss. He devoured her lips like he missed her. So much. His tongue brushed with hers, his body over against hers as he kissed her passionately. His kiss was a silent cry, a wish for her to come back to him. Because he kept waiting. His eyebrows furrowed, tears glistened in his eyes. And he would keep waiting. This was his punishment.

When they finally broke the kiss, he whispered against her lips, "You never have to ask, idiot. Anytime you want to kiss me, just do it. Kiss me. Anytime of the day. Just fucking kiss me whenever you feel like it."

Her cheeks flushed a deeper shade of red, and she smiled, feeling a surge of affection for the fiery hero before her.
She nodded.

Katsuki's hard on was pressed against his pyjamas, but he couldn't go any further, he knew from the look in her eyes and it hurt so damn much.

She didn't feel safe.
Why would she? He almost choked her to death.

Tears threatened to spill over. But he kept this to himself because she needed him to be strong and healthy.

"I'm sorry, f/n." He kissed her neck gently, where the scars were.

Before this could go any further, f/n pushed him away, "let's spar?"

Bakugou nodded understandingly, no matter how much his heart clenched. He ignored it. It didn't matter. What mattered was her.

He kissed her forehead and got up to get to the clear area of this beautiful mansion.

F/n watched Bakugou as he moved to the clear area of the garden, her heart swelling with affection for the determined man in front of her. Despite his tough exterior, she knew he cared deeply for her, and his actions spoke louder than words ever could.

He had been patient with her, very gentle with her that she doubted that this was really Katsuki. He didn't scold her, didn't call her names, instead started using silly little names like baby, dumbass, idiot, and love. He was caring again. And whatever she asked for, at whatever time, it was presented in front of her without any questions.

Last night he was on knees in front of her just because she asked her to. Bakugou. On his knees. Without any questions. Very unbelievable.

She could see him. She could see that he was in hell that he was giving himself. But she knew better than to bring this topic up now, and though it worried her, she knew he would get all defensive and would call her an idiot, and would say that it didn't matter. But it did. It did to her.

With a nod, they started the spar. F/n focused, her eyes narrowing as she attempted to manipulate the ground beneath Bakugou's feet, causing the earth to rise and twist. Bakugou, quick on his feet, propelled himself into the air using his explosions, avoiding the manipulated terrain effortlessly.

"You'll have to do better than that, dumbass," he taunted, a smirk playing on his lips.F/n grinned back, her confidence growing. She directed a gust of wind towards Bakugou, trying to disorient him, but he skillfully maneuvered through it, countering with a barrage of explosive blasts that forced her to dodge and weave.Their dance continued, a flurry of movements and quirk manipulations, each trying to outwit the other.

Bakugou's explosions clashed with F/n's controlled elements, creating a dazzling display of lights and sounds.

"You're not bad," Bakugou acknowledged, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "But you can't beat me that easily."

F/n's determination only grew stronger. She focused, trying to anticipate Bakugou's next move. With a swift motion, she manipulated the air around him, creating a miniature tornado that surrounded him. Bakugou, momentarily caught off guard, used his explosions to dissipate the tornado and propelled himself towards F/n.

Their clash intensified, each pushing their quirks to the limit. F/n manipulated the ground, trying to trap Bakugou, while he countered with explosive bursts, creating a fierce battle of control and power.In the end, it was a close match.

Bakugou managed to land a direct hit, but F/n, quick to recover, manipulated the surroundings to shield herself from the full impact. They both paused, breathing heavily, their eyes locked in mutual respect.

"You're getting better," Bakugou admitted, a hint of approval in his voice.

F/n grinned, her chest swelling with pride. "You're always the best." She then pouted.

And Bakugou bit back a smile, kissing her cheek. "Come on, let's go and have icecream."

Bakugou led the way to her favorite ice cream parlor, determined to treat F/n to something sweet after their sparring session. As they entered the parlor, a lively atmosphere greeted them, with colorful ice cream flavors displayed behind the counter.

Bakugou scowled at the array of options, clearly overwhelmed. "What the hell is this? Why are there so many damn flavors?" he grumbled, his frustration evident.

F/n chuckled at his reaction, finding his annoyance amusing. "Come on, Katsuki, it's just ice cream. Pick something you like," she teased, trying to hold back her laughter.

He glared at her playfully, fighting back his own smile after hearing her laugh. "I don't know, they all sound dumb. Just give me vanilla," he grumbled, pointing at the most basic flavor.
F/n couldn't help but burst into laughter at his grumpy demeanor. "Oh, come on, Katsuki, live a little! How about trying something adventurous, like bubblegum or mango?"

He glared at her even more, his irritation growing. "I don't want any weird shit. Just give me the damn vanilla," he insisted, his voice stern.F/n continued to laugh, finding his stubbornness both frustrating and endearing. "You always take vanilla...Alright, vanilla it is. But you're missing out on the fun," she smiled.

As they sat down to enjoy their ice cream, Bakugou's frustration seemed to melt away, replaced by a begrudging sense of contentment. F/n, on the other hand, couldn't stop giggling at his earlier antics.

"You know, for the 'number one hero,' you sure do get worked up over ice cream flavors," she teased, poking him playfully.

Bakugou huffed, rolling his eyes. "Shut up. It's not about the damn ice cream. It's about the principle. Why complicate something as simple as dessert?"

F/n chuckled, taking a bite of her own ice cream. "You're such a grump, Katsuki. But that's why I love you."He glanced at her, his scowl softening into a fond smirk. "Yeah?"

Their eyes locked and both of their hearts raced together.

"Yeah." She nodded. "I fell in love with a passionate hero who never backed down from a challenge. So don't ever change." She spoke, her eyes glistened with tears. "I know you worry about me, I know you care, I've seen enough these past days. Don't lose yourself for me. Please, sweetheart. I love you the way you are."

Sweetheart? Bakugou's heart thumped in his chest. He didn't know that such a stupid word could make his heart go all crazy like this. He looked at her, not knowing what to say.

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