[22] make up for it?

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F/n was in the room with all the other heroes, bakugou glued to her side, as they discussed the events that just took place.

"Katsuki..." F/n mumbled.

"Hm?" He hummed, his eyes concerned looking at her now.

"You know what the villain said, can you tell them? That he said his brother will come for us."

He nodded, but then he change his mind, "how about you try and say it for yourself?" I snapped my head at him and shook my head.
"Please. Try for me. If you can't, I promise I'll speak up then. But I know you can."
She took a deep breath and mustered up the courage, "Guys, the villain has a brother."
My breath hitched when all the attention shifted to me, making me scoot closer to katsuki in his comforting presence. "The- He said that his brother will come for us, so the danger hasn't subsided yet."
Ochako quipped, "Hm, well that's bad."
Jiro started, "I am sure we can figure them out. Leave it to kaminari and me. Is that all for this meeting then?"
I nodded, my face clenched because of the discomfort, but it all vanished when katsuki took me in his arms and kissed my forehead. "Well done."

F/n was cuddled up against Bakugou, when she spoke her mind, "Katsuki?"
"Yeah?" He asked, stroking her hair.
"Do you think I'll be able to have the same relationship with anyone?"
Katsuki raised his eyebrows, "Honestly, it's hard. But once you figure everything out, I am sure it'll be easier."
"But it wouldn't be the same, right?" My eyes welled up with tears.
This time he didn't panic. He had gotten used to my breakdowns for it was a process of healing and letting my emotions out.
"Do you want it to be the same, pretty?"
That made her think. Did she?

"No... I don't think so. I don't think I'll ever be the same either."
"And that's okay." He wiped my tears, kissing my eyes, "I love the old you, the new you. And I know that old f/n is somewhere in there who was naughty and talked in such a loud voice and then suddenly got quiet when I made her blush..."
She blushed, sniffing.
"And who annoyed the hell out of me, but made me love her at the same time. Who was excited all the time. Who had a bright smile at all times. I am sure those parts of you are still there, love." He whispered, his eyes a little teary too. "It's up to you whether you can or are willing to show it or not. I love you either way." He gave her a small smile.

F/n nestled closer to Bakugou, finding comfort in his words. She gazed into his eyes, searching for reassurance.

Katsuki continued, "Life throws challenges at us, and sometimes we change. But that doesn't mean the essence of who you are is lost. You're still the person I fell in love with, and I'll be here to support you as you rediscover those parts of yourself."

More tears fell from her eyes, "I'm really grateful to have you, katsuki," she whispered, her voice so honest and loving it sent chills down bakugou's spine.

Katsuki gently wiped away her tears, a warmth in his eyes. Then, with a mischievous grin, he teased, "Hey, don't forget, you're the only one allowed to make me soft like this. So, if you keep crying, I might have to get all sappy, and we wouldn't want that, would we?"

F/n chuckled, a genuine laughter that echoed in the room, a testament to the healing power of their connection. "Alright, alright, I'll save the waterworks for emergencies then."

Katsuki, embracing the lighter atmosphere, couldn't resist a playful smirk. "You know that when you cried, you got snot on my hero costume. I had to fight a villain with tissue stuck to me."

F/n burst into laughter, "I can't believe you're bringing that up now! It was an emergency tear situation."

He shrugged, a playful glint in his eyes. "Emergency or not, heroes don't fight crime with tissue accessories."

She squinted his eyes at him playfully, "Not even for me?"

Katsuki chuckled, his gaze softening. "Well, just for you. But only because you're my favorite pain in the ass."

F/n grinned, "I'll take it. A tissue-wielding hero, ready to conquer the world."

He chuckled, his chest vibrating along. "By the way," he said, "is your periods spotting still going on?"

She blushed, caught off guard by the unexpected question. "No, why?"

His lips stretched into a wide grin, and his eyes lit up, "Let's fuck already then."

"Katsuki," my eyes widened.

"Let's make love. It's been a long time. And you've given me over 30 boners since you've come back, like quite literally. And don't you think, baby," He got on top of her and took off his t-shirt and smirked down at her as he threw his tshirt to the side, "you should make up for it?"

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