[24] that was a set up

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Nothing felt better to F/n than being back in her safe place. She started at Bakugou lovingly as he was going through some papers in his office, back to work as a hero. And she just kept staring at him.

He grumbled something under his breath, and blasted the paper off with an angry expression, and then his gaze went off to F/n. He caught her staring at him and smirked.

"Like what you see?" He pulled her chair closer to hers.

"You're so effortlessly funny, you know that? You did not just burn a paper with important details on it." She chuckled.

"Yeah, so what?" He mock-glared at her, making her chuckle once again.

"Can you only ever be funny in an angry way?" She started into his eyes with an adorable smile, causing his heart to melt. He leaned closer to her. "I know other ways to be funny." He kissed her neck, and she blushed, her hands coming onto his chest as he tickled her softly.

"That's tickling."

"I know." He kissed up her neck again, leaving wet, teasing kisses. "It's funny."

"That's not funny." Her breath hitched, as he ran his tongue up her jaw.

"People laugh when they get tickled, and look at you, getting turned on," he smirked, looking at her straight in the eyes. She glared at him, "Well, their tickling must not involve wet kisses and mm-" He shut her up by kissing when someone awkwardly coughed and knocked on the door.

F/n quickly moved away, hiding away on the desk. And Bakugou sighed angrily, "It better be fucking important since you interrupted me having the time of my fucking life." He growled at the man before him.

"S-Sorry, sir. But...uhm..."

"Speak fast."

"Midoriya-san, and Kirishima-san are here."

He nodded, "Send them in. You may go."

As Midoriya and Kirishima entered the room, F/n tried to compose herself, her cheeks still flushed. Bakugou shot them a stern look. "What's the big fuss?"

"Hi, F/n-chan," he waved, and she smiled back at him sweetly, waving back while Kirishima looked guilty.

"Kacchan, Don't live under a rock now." Midoriya smiled a worried one, "There have been two attacks consecutively this week."

Bakugou's expression shifted to a more serious tone. "Yeah, I know. We're not letting our guard down."

Kirishima chimed in, "The villains seem to be targeting specific hero agencies. We need to be extra cautious, especially since your agency is on the list."

F/n's eyebrowd scrunched up in concern. "There's little to no information and if they're targeting us, this is not a safe space. Neither are your guys agencies."

"She's right." Bakugou said, smirking, "but I have an idea."

Midoriya and F/n tilted their heads at him, "What is it?" Midoriya asked.

"Her agency was burned down a long time ago," Bakugou took F/n's hand in his so that she wouldn't go back in time, "High-time we use it. But we will have to be very secretive, and we'll have to put the employees on work from home."

F/n was surprised for a second but the she was in agreement. "It makes sense. We can use the remote work setup to our advantage and keep our whereabouts discreet. But won't it be suspicious to suddenly switch to that mode?"

Bakugou smirked confidently, "Leave that to me. I've got ways to handle things without raising eyebrows."

Midoriya added, "And we can collaborate more efficiently this way. Communication will be key in staying one step ahead of these villains."

"I and f/n will go," Bakugou stood up.
"You guys go inform other heroes."

"Wait!" Kirishima spoke up. "I was doing some research on the villains And I found this." He unlocked his phone, and handed it to F/n who took it hesitantingly, and looked down at the video. Bakugou glared at the phone.

In the video, it was the villain shapeshifting into F/n and making out with a boy. It was all planned.

"Turns out it's the guy, the brother of the villain who you killed, who set this whole thing up to break you guys apart." He said, his eyes cast down guiltily, tears welling up in his eyes. "I am sorry, F/n. I am so sorry for always thinking that you're the one who was wrong, and manipulating."

She furrowed her brows, not knowing what to say. She was hurt because of him.

Bakugou was angry. Boiling. Fuming. Planning the Villain's torturous death already.

"I'll try and try until you forgive me, F/n. I am sorry"

F/n's jaw unclenched and she nodded, "You better." She whispered, and then looked at Bakugou to see what was he thinking.

Bakugou's expression remained stern, his anger evident. He spoke in a low growl, "You've got a lot to make up for."

Kirishima looked down, and Midoriya was frowning all the while.

"Let's go and do the work." F/n said. "Let's focus on this right now." She mustered up a smile.

As the others left the room, Bakugou and F/n were finally alone. The tension lingered, but Bakugou softened his expression, sensing F/n's discomfort.
"You okay?" he asked, his voice gentler.

F/n sighed, "Yeah, just a lot to process. But we've got a job to do, right?"

"Damn, right." He pecked her on the lips, making her smile. "Do you feel ready to go to the agency?"

"It's bad memories. But I think I am ready to face everything. Just...please stay with me?" She looked up in his eyes, and he smiled, a small one, "Always." He kissed the back of her hand. "Always," he repeated, his gaze unwavering.

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