[14] three times

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"How many times have people tried to touch you or assault you?"

Her eyes filled with tears yet again. "Three times..."

He saw red and blasted. "Were they successful?"

"No, I beat them u-up. Don't get angry." She said as she felt his arm tighten.

"How can i not?! I'll fucking kill them." He fumed. "Tell me the fucking names-"

"KATSUKI! I am fine now, aren't I?" She snapped him out of the world where he was killing all of the people who hurt y/n.

"Are you though?" He stared at her, his eyebrows down together. "Are you really fine?"

She looked at him and nodded her head once with a sad smile, "I don't think I am fine, but, Katsuki, I am feeling better now, I promise. I feel better." She sniffled as he pulled her closer. Continuing, she said, "It might take some time for me to be okay. But isn't me being better from before a progress?"

He nodded a yes. "Still just leave all the worries to me and live like yourself now."

"Being myself includes a huge part of you. If you..." she looked down from his eyes. "Leave me...I don't think I'll be able to-"

He cut her words off by kissing her deeply. "I won't leave you. I can't leave you. I'll stay forever. I really will. I-I get its hard to trust me again- whatever I'll gain your fucking trust. Damn it!" He spoke, angry at himself for hurting her so much. "I never stopped loving you!" He glared at her. "GOT IT?!"

Y/n stared at him for a second before chuckling lightly, "make me believe that."

"Yes, fucking hell, I will, dumbass."

He kissed her all over the face. "I like this place."

She smiled slightly. Seeing her half smile, he rephrased his sentence to something he really meant, "I love this place and I love you." He said, sincerely. Her smile grew wider and her eyes closed as her heart fluttered with such simple words. But what mattered was it were said by the one she loved.
Bakugou found the smile he was looking for. Finally. It was like the smile got lost somewhere in the chaos, in the angst. However, now, he found her smiling like she did back then. In that moment, he thought, I want you smiling like this always.

He smiled. Hard. After a long time. He hovered above her making her shriek out and tickled her all over, kissed her all over. "Fucking take this."

She burst out laughing. "Katsuki, stop- bahahahahaha!"
"Make me stop. You very well can, can't you, my damn love?"

"Bahahahahshahajdfjd!" She laughed. "Katsuki! I'll tickle you back if you don't stop."

He leaned down and whispered, "I'd like to see you try." He smirked and returned to tickling her, loving how his heart felt at peace seeing her laugh. What the fuck had I done before. Why did i have to do that. Why the fuck. Damn it, katsuki, why the fuck were you not there for her?! He thought as he finally stopped, letting her breath.
She looked at him and knew. "Stop."


" Stop blaming yourself."

"I am not, you woman."

She got up and kissed him on the lips. Pulling back, she shook her head, "don't!"

"Shut up." He kissed her on the cheek.


He smile faintly, "shut up, I said." He hugged her, feeling so much at peace.

The following day they were off to Katsuki's parents, with a nervous f/n. "Relax, you idiot."

"I-I can't."


"I went to their house when-" she glanced at Katsuki to check his expression only to see it listening to her calmly. She continued, "when the video stuff happened. And I-I really just wanted to apologise to Aunt mitsuki, and uncle Masaru. B-But aunt closed the door as soon as she saw me. I-I wanted to die that day-" she again checked on him to see nothing but a calm listener. This was unlike him. "And I also want to apologise to everyone- so uh, I wrote a letter and its just- I am scared."

"I know." He said, stopping the car as they reached his parent's house. "I know you're scared. I know you sent them a letter. How do you think I changed my mind while also in a mess if my own mind?" He stared at her.
"They called me and told me everything you wrote. And you, dumbass, have nothing to be sorry about, it's all me. I almost killed you when i fucking knew you needed me the most."

She stayed quiet, not liking the memories it brought back.
Katsuki sighed. "You can face this. They want to talk to you."

"I am-"

"Shh." He kissed her forehead and got out of the car and opening the door for her. She reluctantly got out and she was suddenly embraced with two bodies.

"F/n-chan." Mitsuki uttered, tears in her eyes. "Oh, I'm so sorry...dear...so sorry."

Her heart raced and her breathing became uneven all of a sudden. Masaru noticed this and pulled back from the hug, gesturing mitsuki to do the same.

Tears dropped from f/n's eyes and she fell down, trying to breathe, gasping breathing all she could. She trembled remembering that day the chaos happened, the day she wanted to forget.


Bakugou immediately crouched down and picked her up, taking her inside. "Oi, I told you not make any rash movements." He said, glaring at the parents but then sighed, "Dad park the car."

Mitsuki looked at the girl trying to calm down in his son's arms. She looked down guilty, while opening the door for them.

"She'll sleep for a while." Bakugou said after putting her to sleep in his room upstairs.

"She doesn't look good." Masaru said.

"She is better but still not okay. It'll take time." He replied.

"I hate myself for doing this to her."

"Its not all you." Katsuki said, plopping an apple in his mouth.

"I'm a part of it."

"We all are." Masaru said. "Its okay."

"I just- I-" Mistuki sighed.

"I'll show you the mansion she bought me with the fucking furnitures. Also, you old woman, order some icecream."

Mitsuki was about shout at him when she heard a faint knock.

"Awake, dumbass?"

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