Chapter 5

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Cain didn't hide his surprise at what I told him, but rather than be amazed at my sleuthing skills and ability to put all the pieces together, he simply took another sip of his drink and rested his head back on the edge of the bath.

"No, she's not."

"She practically told me!" I groaned. "I was like, Hecate, its' you. You're the fourth and then she did that little, smirky know it all smiley thing, which if you had met her, you would know what I'm talking about, and she was like, no Elise, there is no fourth."

"So she told you she isn't, and you got a yes from that?"

"Smirky, know it all, smiley thing." My attempt at doing it had him lazily raising an eyebrow while trying not to laugh. "Not helping. Besides, of course, she would say there is no fourth. Portia's freaky vision said she was set free. Who is freer than the wild woman herself?"

"Who spent the last however long stuck in the Underworld?" I hated how he kept throwing logic into the mix. "Definitely sounds free to me."

"Oh please, as if she was actually stuck in a place she chose to be. Why else would The Fates have such a thing with her if it wasn't because at any time she could step back in and kick their butts? She's all-knowing with her cryptic messages and tea leaves and-"

"Merely the abilities of a Seer and little more than an illusion. Elle, it's the oldest trick in the book. She clearly has the sight which she disguises behind trinkets, animal sacrifices and tea leaves. It makes her appear much more powerful and interesting, but all for show."

What is magic, if not an illusion?

"I can't believe you're just dismissing how powerful she really is like she's just some kind of entertainer? Should I expect a balloon animal from her next show?"

"I am not doing that." He defended.

"Really? Kind of sounds like you are."

"Her domain is the crossroads, there is no denying the power that resides there or what she is capable of. What I am saying is look beyond the tricks. I've not heard Hecate ever being declared a seer, a million other things, yes but if her main gift is her sight-"

"Because she's the fourth fate." I pointed out.

"It's something she's clearly kept secret for a reason." He finished.

"Because she's the fourth fate."

Cain closed his eyes, disappearing under the water for a few seconds too long only to finally reappear with a gasp.

"I think she knows, guaranteed she does. I don't think it's her. I can see why you'd think this, but I just don't think you're right this time." Cain sighed.

"You know, remember that time I was right about the little disc thingy being part of the wheel and you were all, no and I was like, yes and then I was actually right and I didn't rub it, I just let it go like the sensible, mature, person I am?"

"That was literally an hour ago. I remember." He answered dryly.

"When I'm right about this. I will be throwing the biggest, fucking, I told you so party. There will be balloon animals and everything," I decided, getting out of the tub.

"Elise-" He reached for my arm as I wrapped myself up in a towel, sliding to the edge to look up at me. "Elle."


"Keep this theory between us for now, okay? Please. And the disc." I didn't miss the practically begging tone of his words.

"Knowledge is power." I understood and leaned over to kiss his forehead before walking out.

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