Chapter 9

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Walking into the main hall, Apollo and Deimos stood to one side of the room looking like someone had just killed their puppy, which couldn't be a good thing. Hermes and Ares were in full argument mode, the shouting instantly stopping as they noticed us heading their way.

"Well none of this is giving me any warm and fuzzies," I greeted, looking to Apollo. "What did we miss?"

"Kara-" He started, before Ares stepped away from Hermes, blocking Apollo from view.

"The Queen has not returned. Artemis is unaccounted for. Two of her huntresses were found unconscious not far from the target location. There are reports of suspicious activity in the area and-" Ares sounded like he was in a war movie debriefing his boss. The tense posture and even more intense way he seemed to focus on Cain's chest only clarified that was exactly what was happening as he refused to make eye contact.

"Maybe you should just go see for yourself," Hermes spoke up, making Ares grind his teeth yet he didn't respond as I expected him to. "It's probably just some kind of ward, blocking the area which is why we can't sense Art and Kara."

"You think it's a trap?" Cain asked Ares.

"I do." He nodded. "We need to have a strategy and at least some foresight on what we are walking into. It's common fucking sense."

"I agree." Hermes rolled his eyes as we stopped walking. "What do you suggest then Hermes?"

"We wait and give Art and Kara time to sort it out. They said they'd be back, and-"

Something in the way he said that made my stomach flip. "Two unconscious hunters, Hermes."

"Huntresses." He corrected me. "And they're fine, sleeping now. If it was something bad, do you think they'd be left alive? Kara wasn't concerned. Do you not have faith in your Queen?"

I glared at him, and he appeared to back off as he held up his hands innocently. "Just saying. You want to make it clear who is in charge here, then let her fight her own battles without rushing in to save the day."

Hermes slowly inched away as he spoke, and if not for the arrogance in his voice it would be easy to think he meant well. Staring at him now, his eyes narrowed and the challenge was still there. No wonder Hades had beat the crap out of him, I wanted to as well.

"What about you two?" I look to Apollo and Deimos.

"I don't doubt Kara's ability to look after herself." Deimos frowned. "I also agree with Ares. It's been too long with no contact."

"I can always sense Art in some way, it's a twin thing. I can't feel anything." Apollos worry made me worry.

"Fuck strategy. I'm going to go find my friends," I decided as Cain grabbed my arm. "Do you want to waste more time talking about it?"

"No, I was going to say take Apollo and Deimos with you. Ares put a team together immediately for backup and get out there."

"Understood." Ares disappeared instantly.

"What about me?" Hermes asked, sounding like the left-out child that no one wanted on their team. "And why is he now making all the decisions?"

"Because this is better than your idea of, let's leave them and see what happens." I snapped at him, well aware of just how he hoped this would go. From that time in the arena, the team Cain flag had never been more obvious. Maybe he and Ares could make a fan club. "If anything has happened to them, I will make what Hades did to you feel like a cuddle."

Now Hermes backed down.

"Are you sure you want her to go?" Apollo came closer, his question directed to Cain. "She was kidnapped barely a day ago."

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