Chapter 27

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Doctor Katie looked at me with a sympathetic smile, before nervously looking at the group with me. I didn't blame her, just Cain on his own would have been something even the most confident people struggled with, but with Deimos, Kara, and Apollo crowding into her office, it had never felt so small or intense.

"You all need to get out, this is ridiculous," I decide.

"But-" Kara started and I shook my head.


No one moved.

"Get. Out." Cain managed to make those two words sound more intimidating than anything I've ever heard in my life and the pressure on my hand was near breaking point as he held it so tight.

They all vanished.

"Okay, so has there been any bleeding?" She asked, visibly relaxing as she pushed a few buttons on the machine beside her.

"No," I tell her.

The band she already put onto my stomach was removed, the steady, yet slower whooshing rush of Blueberry's heartbeat going quiet. I instantly missed the sound and shook my head as the ache behind my eyes returned. Apparently, a concussion was harder to heal than a cut, and neither Apollo nor Cain dared to go any further with any healing until I had seen my doctor.

"She hit her head, it's been healed as far as we can tell." Cain motioned to the back of my head and I realised despite the healing help, none of us thought to clean my hair. "We weren't sure if there was a concussion or just a cut."

Instantly my hand was there, feeling the hard, crusty dry patch of blood. Doctor Katie leaned closer, inspecting the area cautiously.

"Concussions aren't great news, and to be safe, I'll run a few tests to check on you, but no headache, light sensitivity, struggling to focus at all?"

"A little at the time, but I feel fine now. Maybe a bit of a headache but I think that's because I am reaching my limit on how long I can go without a nap."

Despite this, blood was drawn and she went through a checklist of options until she seemed happy with the result.

"Whatever healing you already had seemed to have helped and maybe it wasn't that bad to start with. You got lucky. Again. How did this happen?"

"I was thrown into a wall," I admit. "I hit my head, but managed to mostly block my fall. I've had hip pain though, more around my pelvis than back. It's different to the pains I had before."

"Since you've had no bleeding and so far everything seems okay, I doubt any serious damage has occurred. My main concern would be any placental abruptions, so let's have a look now. The contractions you felt, have they stopped?"

"Mostly. It's kind of like a pulse now, it gets sharper but it's not super painful. I've felt a lot of worse things than this." I say softly, focusing on her rather than the mass of rage beside me.

I could feel Cain's eyes burning into me without needing to look to confirm it. A shiver ran through me as the gel was applied to my stomach, but I had a feeling it wasn't from the coolness of it as I wanted to disappear as every inch of defence was being stripped away piece by piece. Fear of what she might find became harder and harder to ignore just like him, each one chipping away everything I had left until the air turned into a thick bubble in my throat and the tears found release in a steady flow the second she touched my stomach. Cain was instantly there, sitting on the edge of the bed as I pushed my face into his chest using his movements to remind myself how to breathe.

"Must have been a big day for both of you, your little one seems to be asleep. And a thumbsucker." Doctor Katie said happily, moving the doppler around and around while I couldn't give the courage to look. "He's okay. Everything is exactly as it should be."

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