6th October 2014

257 35 8

Dear iBob,

I don't even know where to begin.

I'm here, obviously. My last entry felt so, final. I mean, it could have been that way numerous times but here we are.  So yes, I made it back from the Crossroads - with more questions than answers unfortunately and at about three am, it hit me that I should just go back there but I don't know-how. We don't have the key anymore and I don't know if Kara's astrology or astronomy guru lady can help us. 

Plus if I did go to her, I don't want to tell Kara about wanting to go back because I'm sure she'd be 100% against it. Like the others, she 'doesn't really remember' much about what went down there. Lucky me does but that also doesn't help them as we all went and our own little spirit quest at some point.

All I'm left with is a few odd riddles, and a piece of the 4th Fates Wheel of Fortune thing, which is nowhere as exciting as that old game show. Right now I'd love to have a spin and buy a vowel. Knowing my luck I'd win the toaster and not the brand new car, or the equivalent like a new pair of running shoes when I needed a gold plated machete.

Speaking of, the new sword is a total dream to work with. Should I send Medusa thank you flowers or something, too weird? I dunno. Is there an etiquette that needs to be followed in these kinds of situations?

I'd be a little more nervous about going back there now anyway. 

Blueberry has decided to grow seemingly overnight, though I think I've been in denial more than anything. Loose t-shirts have been doing the trick in hiding him. My love of doughnuts and constantly need to be snacking on something make it easy for people to think I'm just hiding the evidence of that and my lack of decent workouts. I had to magic my damn jeans on this morning until Cain threw in his two cents and told me to try actual maternity clothing and while I told him he was ridiculous and it wasn't necessary, these are now actual maternity jeans and I'm pretty sure I am never wearing anything else again. 

21 weeks.*

This is going way too fast.

Blueberry can now hear, has fingerprints, is the size of a banana, and I can no definitely feel him moving around in there. Terrifying, amazing and disturbing if you think too hard about it.

Which I have.

Not focusing on the end game at the moment at all, because that's even more terrifying but also because Fates and Furies need to be dealt with and I'm hoping we make some progress in at least one of those areas today as Arts girls may have found something. Praying to whatever higher being there actually is that the big show doesn't happen near a creepy tree in the Crossroads - by choice or necessity.

 I'm going to save the drama of a big drawn-out final entry like last time

Just, ctrl + c and paste in case of a worst-case scenario.

I think Cains is finally ready to go. Between us, I'm blaming the hormones because since being kidnapped, somethings like snapped inside of me. It's not normal to be so obsessed with a person. I made him use my stuff in the shower this morning because there is something crazy good about the way he smells at the moment. I licked him when I woke up, mostly to be gross and freak him out a little but also because I wanted to see if he tasted as good as he smelt. 

I'm so fucking weird. Like new levels of weird. Delete this part if I die later.

Elise Bunting.
(#1 Maternity Jeans Fan


*Lost track of weeks. Taking a guess until this gets edited.

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