Chapter 26

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It's strange how what can seem like a good idea one minute can turn into something else the next. The last two days had been a blur, and now taking a couple of hours to relax as every person I know keeps telling me to do, sitting with Raya and Penny discussing what it takes for a baby to actually get born was not relaxing.

"So, what's your birth plan?" I ask Raya, browsing over the folder of paperwork Doctor Katie offloaded onto me at my appointment this morning.

"Mostly to just get the baby out while I remain in one piece, but with Taylor Swift's Red album on repeat, soft lighting and to stay in the birth pool for as long as I can hold out on the epidural."

"Taylor Swift? Are you serious?" Penny looked horrified and well, I was surprised too. It wasn't something I'd ever heard Raya mention before.

"It speaks to me on a soul level." She munched happily on the popcorn before taking another handful, throwing a piece at me. "Yours?"

"I don't know. I wasn't sure I'd even get this far and so long as I don't end up on a creepy island near an even creepier dead tree, with Gaia getting a clear view of everything, it's a win. Can I copy yours?"

"It's not a test, you can't write the same answers as me and expect a pass. This is your moment, bringing your baby into the world." She scolded, throwing more popcorn at me.

"You need to write a book, Elise, no one will ever believe your life," Penny looks completely confused. "Are you actually saying Gaia, like the mother of all, could end up as your midwife?"

"No, because it sounds completely horrifying to talk about anyone being my midwife. I like Doctor Katie, but knowing what's coming is just making it awkward now. I don't want to talk about her hands up my birth canal checking out my cervix and dilation stuff. Do you really poop too?"

Raya shrugs. "What happens in the delivery room stays in the delivery room."

"That isn't helpful." I frown. "You know, I really don't think I am ready for any of this. I shouldn't be left alone with an open box of chocolates let alone an actual tiny human. It's too much responsibility."

"Says the girl who has superpowers, Gaia on speed dial and is at war with Fate?" Penny rolled her eyes.

"One of the Fates, two are on our side." I remind her.

"Okay, so write a list of things you like and see what will work making you feel most comfortable and safe during this transition from Maiden to Mother," Raya ignored the look I gave her from that comment. "And a list of what you don't want and see where you end up. Will Cain be there?"

I paused reaching for another chocolate from the tray in front of us. "Where else would he be?"

"Waiting outside like it's nineteen fifty? Smoking a cigar with his chums, ignoring your screams of pain down the hall while everyone congratulates him on doing such a good job?" Penny laughed. "I've seen Call The Midwife. It's what they used to do!"

"Keiran probably wished that's what they still did. He struggled to see me in pain but got better once I agreed to every drug known to man. Stab me or shoot me and I can handle that. This is something else, and I want those drugs."

"That's so sweet!" Before I asked how she came to that conclusion, I realised Penny was looking over at the trio of men being led around the garden by a very bossy little fairy called Olivia. Penny was all doe-eyed as she watched Colton. "I can't wait to see Colton join the dilf crew. Remember when we used to be all about guns and killing monsters?"

I had to laugh. "Some of us still are."

"Spoilsport." She pouted, suddenly gasping as Olivia made 'pow' sounds and hit at Colton's legs with her glittery plastic wand. He went down dramatically, dragging out his death scene for at least three minutes while the toddler laughed hysterically. "What exactly are you raising? A demon!"

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