Chapter 19

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I hid in the kitchen, listening to the plan being made that made sense and was practical. Logical. With the Harpy's guidance, we were briefed on the best hiding spots. The forest was remote, cold and the village had been abandoned years before. There was a small castle the Furies had taken up refuge in, and the Harpy had been called in like moths to a flame only to then be kept grounded until needed. Ruby had called it not ideal flying conditions, the cold winds and unpredictable weather made it dangerous for them.

We all had our limits.

I had to wonder how long I had until I reached mine.

"You're not okay," Kara whispered. "You're a liability not an asset right now."

I set down the cup of water and looked over at her. "You're wrong."

"Please let us check it out first. Don't be stubborn about this. I see you, Elise. You're tired, something is hurting from the way you keep pacing around here and you're so deep in your head I'm not sure what to say to get you out."

"Thanks, Doctor Kara for that update. I'm not being stubborn, I'm being realistic. Tired is just a state of mind, and I'll get Apollo to help with my hip pain. As for the head stuff, I'm not. I've been working on pushing it all deep down for another time when I can afford to have a complete and mental breakdown." I go around the other side of the table and hug her. "I love that you care, but I know my limits. I'm not risking Blueberry to prove a point."

Apollo came in and seeing us hesitated in coming over. Kara went to turn to see him, but paused, smirking as she looked at me.

"At least let the guys take the lead. Sacrifice Apollo. It'll be for the greater good."

"That worked out so well last time." He came over, shaking his head. "At least I know you'd all miss me if I did die."

"Was there ever any doubt?" Kara patted his arm as she left. "Fix her, please."

"That's beyond my powers." He teased, making me roll my eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Hip pain. Be a pal?"

"Why do you have hip pain?" Apollo frowned.

"Oh crap, I can't believe I haven't told you yet. This bulge here is not the result of too much pizza and no I didn't swallow watermelon seeds. I'm pregnant. With a baby." He doesn't look impressed at my big reveal. "And while they start smaller than a blueberry, he's growing bigger. It puts pressure all around here, and a bit around my sciatica. Cain kind of numbs it, but eventually, it wears off."

I end up doing a weird little hip thrust, which makes it worse and he must notice as his brows dip with worry.

"Can I touch you?" He asks hesitantly.


"Not just with my powers."

"Okay?" I'm not sure what he means and guiding me by my shoulders, he turns me around. We are in the sitting room instantly and I can't stop the shiver as I remember the last time we were in here and everyone wanted to kill each other. "What are you doing?"

"I'm good at massage, remember. That wasn't a lie. I like doing it, and powers or not, some things are just basic biology. This could help more than a quick power fix from time to time." I turned back round to face him. "Spare me the jokes and sarcasm."

"I wasn't going to. Thank you for thinking of this."

"Which side?"

"Left." He directs me onto the day lounge and guides my body into position.

His hands are firm, feeling the space around my hip before tracing across my back as I lay on my side. I close my eyes, not sure how a simple touch can hurt so damn much but there's also something calming about it. I remember how good his hands had always felt and their ability to heal, even when he didn't have his powers.

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