Kara's POV

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For the first time in a long time, I wake up and I feel safe. Loved. Home. The weight of an arm over my waist is a feeling I've avoided for years, much like the sensation of a warm body beside me that doesn't smell like perfume and female. The last one to share my bed with me had been Elise, and realising how sad that actually was forced my eyes to open as I check to make sure I'm not dreaming. Then again, it wouldn't be the first time I've woken up to randomly find her in bed with me, and if she and Cain kept up the argument last night, it could have happened again.

The arm is too heavy to be hers.

Elise wasn't a cuddler either.

I'd be more likely to wake up with her foot in my face or a leg, as she spread out and made herself comfortable. Plus even if she had argued with Cain, I doubt she'd be coming to find me for anything good or bad after last night. Looking down, it's definitely a man's arm over me; the silver ring on his index finger a major giveaway. I quickly did a mental check based on everything I could see and feel so far.

Panties, check.

Sleep shirt, check.

No good aches or signs of anything happening beyond a hug between friends, check.

Rolling onto my back, Deimos groaned and shifted in his sleep. He was still mostly clothed and laying on top of the blankets because it was just who he was. I forced my brain to wake up, searching for what happened for us to end up here.

I'd proven yet again I was the worst friend to Elise, broken down in front of everyone, Deimos had let me cry until we realised we were alone. We'd gone back to the main hall and had a few drinks as we talked about, something. What was it, oh, all the things in our life we wish we could take back.

Our kiss.

Oh, fuck. I went there.

Why did I say I wanted to take it back?

Why is he still here beside me now?

Closing my eyes I wondered if I could disappear, find a new realm, and start my life over. Cautiously opening them again I had to use what time I could to admire Deimos this close. It wasn't fair that the man looked how he did. Tall, dark and handsome didn't quite cut it as far as he was concerned. He was dark yes, dangerous, completely and handsome well, there needed to be a more in-depth variation of the word. His nose was slightly crooked, those cheekbones hauntingly perfect. I could see the tiny tracks of a scar on his eyebrow, the marking just under his lip that followed the same line - what, no who had managed to cut his face in that way?

Those lips felt like I'd kissed them a thousand times before yet it had been only once.

One time and I told him I regretted it.

What would happen if I did it again now?

Would he wake up and leave or kiss me back?

"Stop staring at me." Deimos groaned, forcing one eye open, I froze as we stared at each other across the pillows. "Morning."

"Morning." How did I sound so cold when I was feeling everything but that.

Deimos's arm slowly slid over me, his hand lingering longer than I should allow just underneath the curve of my breast, which instantly ached with the need to feel it slip higher. Would he be gentle, or would the roughness of his skin match the way he'd hold me? I held my breath, unable to look away from him as he stopped moving.

Do it.

Touch me.



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