Chapter 12

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"How did it go with the baby doctor?" Apollo asked, sitting beside me.

"Completely fine."

"Really?" He frowned. "Even the fainting?"

"I didn't faint, I felt faint, there's a different and yes. Cain was a complete Chatty Cathy in there and made sure she knew how my week was going so far."


We sat in silence, watching as Kara talked to the people gathered around her. Everyone had been taken care of in the time we'd gone. Healing soups had been handed out, new clothes too and Hermes was already directing smaller groups through various portals he set up for them to go home; wherever that was. Deimos stood with Cain just to Kara's left, both keeping a watchful eye on the crowd and even from here I didn't feel like I'd dropped off his radar just yet.

"This has been a good opportunity for her," Apollo said after a little while. "They know her face now, they'll talk about her help. Her kindness. It's exactly what she needs to get herself established as a ruler, especially after she walked into Friggs court and dumped Thor there."

"I hope so. Didn't Cain start the same way?"

"No, not quite. He wasn't as public as this. To give him credit, he'd done more than Kara in the time she's been crowned, but you need to make sure the Others know what you're doing to establish that sense of power and control. Let them see you lead."

"I get it, but he wanted more than that. There was that council, and-"

"He's lived in your world too long. It was never going to work that way." I almost forgot how arrogant he could be.

"I'm not going to compare them with you. As they say, it is, what is. Kara's got this. I know she does and that's all that counts now."

I stop myself from saying anything else as a familiar face comes our way. She looks nervous, her hands threading together as she seems to hunch over in her approach as if she's trying to look as small as possible. The pissed-off looking Power beside me probably isn't helping and as Apollo tenses as if he's about to pounce on her I put my hand on his forearm, mostly to see if there's a switch there to turn off bodyguard mode.

"Your highness, I don't know if you remember-" She starts, bowing as she stops a couple of meters in front of us.

I shake my head and get up to go over to her, ignoring the groan from Apollo.

"It's just Elise," I remind her.

"I apologise." She bowed again.

"That's not necessary, really. Are you alright?" I ask her.

"I am, your high- Elise. Thank you for all you've done for us."

"I haven't done anything." The look she gives tells me she doesn't believe that for an instant. "The Queen is over there if you wanted to thank her."

"No, I saw everything. I was there, I know what happened. It's why I wanted to talk to you." I let it go, and nod.

"Talk to me about what, Yasmin?" Her name came to me at the right moment, her eyes widening slightly as she smiled. It disappeared the second I sensed Apollo inching closer. "Have you heard of personal space?"

I turn to glare at him and muttering under his breath he sits back down.

"Sorry, what's up?" I smile, as she looks like she's about to make a run for it now. I can't help be cautious, my powers are ready for whatever might come next yet only I hope she is planning anything bad.

"You talked about the Furies." She started, cringing slightly as I think she expected it to be a trigger word.

"Yeah, we're trying to find them. Mostly before they find us, again. They're bad news and not something you want to get involved in. Do you know something about them?"

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