Chapter 30

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Apollo and I stood beside Portia's lifeless form. That ethereal quality she possessed in life seemed even more distinguished in death, surrounded by the brightly coloured flowers and further complimented by the serene look on her face. There was only one way to describe it, to describe both of them, as my eyes drifted to Adala beside her.

They were at peace.

"I tried, I just, it was like they were already gone," Apollo mumbled, his hand nearly crushing mine. "I know how important she was to you. To both of you."

I opened my mouth but the words didn't come out. I wasn't sure what to say; denying it would be a lie, and so far one Cain seemed happier to go along with than I was. Huntington had been important to me. My hand moved to my neck, resting on my collarbone as I imagined the pearls she always used to wear sitting there. The soft floral perfume of the flowers they had been laid upon brought back a memory of her office and the freshly cut blooms that she'd collected from the gardens. She liked red roses, the romance of them, and I'd roll my eyes and tell her she was a walking cliché that belonged in a romance novel which was both amusing and gross to consider since she was so old.

Portia had been important too. Despite her alliance with the Fates, she was always still around whether I wanted her to be or not. She was more guardian angel than the enemy, despite sometimes feeling that way. It was Portia who had tried to protect me as best she could from what was coming, that had been on my side time and time again in ways I never even knew. I saw the woman from the past that handed over Aion's staff, watched me stop Sobek-Ra and helped the Treaty gain its power. She'd been a sister who had watched her people be slaughtered - the creature that made it so I even existed.

I loved her and felt the ache and hollowness that now existed inside as my body and heart processed her loss. My brain forced me to stay logical, to avoid feeling that which was demanding I shut down and break now - I had enough. There was only so much it could handle, and I'd finally reached that point.

It was to be.

This had to happen.


Kara joined us, and Apollo let go of my hand. I looked down as the cool air of the room took over the warmth and connection he'd provided seconds ago while the ache of being alone crashed into me entirely as he stepped away no longer there to block it out.

"Has she said anything?" Kara whispered only it was so quiet her voice seemed to reach every corner of the room.

"No." Apollo sighed. "Are they coming here or are they expecting us to get her out?"

"I don't know. I think they want her to stay, Hades says it's safe and until Deimos and Cain are satisfied Themis didn't program anything else into Zane they're not eager to argue about it either. Circe and I have been with Hermes trying to find a way to contact Hecate, and he's also trying to find out what this now means for the Furies and Nieve."

"Just because it's safe doesn't mean it's a good idea. I can feel the dead around us, this isn't a place for the living."

Kara hums her agreement before taking the place where Apollo had been; an arm goes over my shoulders before she hugs me tightly against her. She takes a few deep, shaky breaths and lets me go before wrapping her arm through mine.

"I don't know why these things happen, but I trust there is a reason. There will be so I guess, just trust it." She sighs as I turn away from her. "I want to tell you it's going to be okay, but I can't. This sucks, we're still no closer to working out a way to end this and whatever this means for Nieve, it might all be over before it even begins now."

"Kara!" Apollo huffs, silencing Kara who just looks as tired as I feel.

"Worst pep-talk ever, Queenie," I mumble.

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