Chapter 24

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It turned out forever was only four days as that's how long it had been when Hades appeared to block my sun. I wondered if he'd spontaneously explode from being somewhere so opposite to the dark and gloom of the Underworld, this tropical haven literally the exact opposite of the place he called home. Even at the palace, he was more of a night guest. It wasn't like he ever joined in one of Aphrodite's picnics in the garden or made an effort to relax out on the balcony in the midday sun whenever Kara went out there either.

I lowered my sunglasses as I refused to budge from the hammock, glaring at him as he looked around with a scowl on his face, clearly just as pleased to be here as I was for him to have turned up. He shook his feet around as if that was going to get the sand off his boots when really it only made him sink in a little bit faster and mumbled something I didn't quite catch.

"You've just missed cocktail hour, bummer." I put my sunglasses back on and settled back down. "Try again tomorrow, but maybe leave the leather pants at home."

"Where's Cain?" He squinted as he looked out towards the water.

"Hunting and gathering. Why are you here?"

"Because no one else knows where you are. Even Aion didn't get to slip through what I created." There was no missing how much that pleased him. "It also means that little asshole can't get into my Underworld."

"Maybe that's just what he wants you to think." Pretty sure the next sound I heard was his bubble bursting. "So apart from ruining my afternoon siesta, and bragging about what a great job you did on keeping everyone else away, also thank you for that, why are you here?"

I knew it wasn't to make sure we had enough towels, or a general wellbeing check and braced myself for the good news he was here to share with us.

"There was an attack in the city. Quite a few Others were injured, some killed. The God Killer handled it well." He shared. "The ones that Circe mentioned leaving before our arrival are nearly all accounted for now."

Maybe he did have good news after all.

"Is that everything?" I frown, carefully sitting up as the hammock rocked slightly with my movements. "Or are you starting with the not so bad to ease me into it?"

"Artemis came back after you left the other night, and she isn't happy with Circe's new status." He failed at hiding how amusing he found it. "She's been trying to find you."

"Lucky me."

"As have Portia and Adala, so please let me brag a little longer about all of this." He motioned around us.

"Brag away, I am impressed and I also feel bad for lying before, you haven't missed cocktail hour at all. I'm sure I can whip you up something fancy with a little umbrella and everything," Hades smirked as he inched closer to the tree and the shade.

"Not necessary."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course, though perhaps inside?" He hopefully suggested and with a nod, we were in the shack. "This is nice."

Hades didn't hide his surprise as he looked around. From the outside, it looked like it was one strong wind gust away from collapsing, while inside it had all the comforts of home. Sure it was small, and Hades took up the bulk of the space of the kitchen nook as Cain did but it had become ours. Knowing we were going to leave now already made me crave coming back, and I sat on the edge of the bed as he inspected the bottle of tequila on the table.

"Not the cocktail hour I was expecting." He poured himself a glass anyway, and a second later I made sure a little pink umbrella balanced on the edge.

"Probably more your thing though.."

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