Chapter 20

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"Well, if this isn't the place to come to hide your dead bodies, I don't know what is." I look around the dark, creepy forest and expect to see Snow White running from the Huntsman at any second.

The trees are mostly bare, looking more like twisted dead sticks coming out of the earth. The ground is dark, crunching under our feet as we walk away from the portal and safety. We should just go back, nothing about this place is giving me good vibes. What trees do remain are tall and dark, standing still like giants waiting for the right moment to step on us.

Damn my overactive imagination.

Nope, that one did move or at least something moved on it. The sky is red and black, the promise of morning lighting somewhere on the horizon and offering the worst amount of light to see by now. Again something moves, only this time it's a flock of birds and we all stop to watch them fly over us. They're silent, not a squawk or a whistle made and the flapping of their wings as steady as a heartbeat which only adds to the creepy feeling of where we are.

"Fire has gone through here recently." Deimos closes his eyes. "I don't think it was a normal blaze."

He's right. Magic is in the air, something major has blasted through here.

"This is the best place you thought to bring us?" Apollo glares at Aion who simply shrugs. Nothing seems to phase him much and as he passes by me, the spider on his shoulder raises its front legs in warning. "Looks like we just missed a fight."

I light my hands up, bending closer to the ground to see the burnt remains of grass and shrubs. Most had been incinerated to the point of nothing and just as I'm about to stand, I see something that makes me stop.

"There's a head there."

"What?" Kara comes closer, and we all gather around the white rock. "Oh, she's right. That's a skull."

Deimos puts his hands out, a rush of darkness leaving him as he closes his eyes.

"I can't see who they were fighting, but someone with fire powers did this. I can sense the surprise, the fear, betrayal. They were killed by one of their own." He tells us.

"Hopefully it's one of the Furies army and not someone we could have used as an ally," Kara huffs. "Where do we go now? This place gives me the creeps."

"The portal is not far from here, that way." Aion points behind us.

"This offers us no cover." Apollo looks around. "We'll go that way and work our way around. The trees are less damaged over there. Stay alert."

"Obviously." I sigh, seeing more bits of recognisable human bones and remains. I'm not sad to be leaving that area behind. "Why do we seem to be doing so much walking lately?"

"It's good to be out in nature." Kara says, not hiding her amusement as I glare at her.

"I hate nature. The closest to nature I get is sitting by the river with Alfie and Anni. This. This is bullshit." I groan, not impressed as we seem to find a more distinct trail. "I'm not a hiker. I don't do nature walks for fun."

"This isn't for fun."

"Even more of a reason not to do it." Kara just slows down to walk with me as Deimos and Aion lead and Apollo lingers  just in front of us. "Are we there yet?"

"Please don't start that." He stops, and looks me over. "I could carry you?"

"I'd rather just keep walking and complain the whole way, but thanks."

"Of course you would." Apollo sighs.

We keep going but something changes and stopping, I look around for a clue or a sign to tell me I'm not actually imagining things. Cain's presence is here; not in the way that makes me think he's hiding behind a tree, but strong enough that makes me think he's been here recently. That thought makes my stomach drop, and grabbing Kara's arm, I stop her.

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