Chapter 11

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"Thanks for waiting, I know it's been a long morning." Doctor Katie smiled as she returned, flipping through whatever was on her clipboard. "Good news, all clear on the GD test and as I said earlier, everything is looking perfect on the scan."

Cain let out a long breath, earning him a pat on the shoulder as she passed to sit at her desk.

"That said, I am concerned about you Elise. You're heading towards your third trimester and it will get harder for you the closer you get to the baby's due date. Your blood pressure is okay if not a little on the lower side of things but nothing it's not abnormal enough to worry about. If you're not looking after your body, it will make you." She warned. "Please tell me you're not still in the middle of whatever goes on out there and taking on lesser duties?"

"It was a bushwalk, I got tired." I shrugged as Cain spoke at the same time.

"She was, more like at the front of it, rather than the middle."

I glared at him and he ignored it, focusing on Doctor Katie instead who sighed and put back on her serious face rather than a friendly smile.

"Plus there was a tiny hostage situation only a couple of days before," He confessed like this was some kind of church. "She's hardly stopped, not that there has been much of a chance to take things easier."

"And what part of I'm fine didn't you just hear?" I looked at Katie who seemed almost amused at this.

"The part where you should be taking on lesser duties and you have low blood pressure."

"No, it's normal. I'll eat more snacks, stop when I have to" Again I look to her for support only I don't find any.

"Do you plan on more bushwalks, Elise?" I was starting to, unlike, Doctor Katie.

"Not intentionally, but today is a new day. I also didn't plan to dress myself up in orange and dance into a psycho party gods tent to play waitress but when your friends all go missing and are being held, hostage-"

"I was waiting for the right moment. I had it handled." Cain managed to say without even opening his mouth properly.

"So did I."

"And what if you chose then to faint again or it was the Furies? You going to ask nicely for a five minute time out to rest and recover?" I ignored his sarcasm, adding my own.

"Maybe. They might be more understanding and accommodating than you think."

"I fucking doubt it." He yelled now, and I instantly noticed Katie sitting up a little straighter, less amused and more on alert. "There are so many out there that would kill you in an instant. You've gotten lucky, again, that they are lesser Powers and have been easily handled."

"Yeah, I should know since I handled them!"

Cain groaned, burying his face in his hands as the frustration rolled off him. Doctor Katie looked like she was trying to decide whether to interrupt or run for the door and I didn't blame her.

"And you shouldn't have had to. Nothing I do is helping or bringing us closer to ending this and don't even try to turn this back on me, because I know, but I don't want you to be handling it. I want you in a fucking locked box, away from all of it, before your luck runs out."

I got up, moving to stand in front of him and kneeling, I looked up at him as I took my hands in his.

"It's not just up to you, Cain. None of this is only your burden and whatever does happen next, isn't solely on you either. Together, remember?"

Doctor Katie awkwardly cleared her throat. "It sounds like you've got a lot going on, and I'll admit, there are a lot of rumours going around whenever your names are mentioned and I can only guess this is of that kind of level. But she's right Cain. You're both only human and there are limitations in what is physically and mentally possible. I promise Elise and the baby are fine. Give yourself a break."

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