Chapter 15

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"I'd never expect you to be such a wallflower." Hermes greeted, the pink on his cheeks and lack of insult to his tone made it clear he was drunk or close to it. "Where's your harem?"

There it was.

"Jealous, Hermes?" I taunted, getting a snort in return as he turned away, but he didn't leave. Great. "What do you want?"

"Can't I talk to you?"

"Well, yeah, but I'm not in the mood, for your mood. You never want to just talk to me."

"I'm not in a mood and maybe tonight I do."

"Okay, talk then."

"Don't let Art intimidate you." He said seriously, looking at me again. "Or me. I know I can be mysterious and aloof at the best of times, but I've been there for it all forever, since before Zeus even sent Apollo and the Huntresses to watch you."

Drunk Hermes had my attention. "Huntresses?"

"Sam, as I think you know her, she had been in your world for months before he arrived. She went with three others, but they died." He shrugged.

How was this just coming out now?


"I saw everything. That was my job, and so, just know, while it may not seem as though I care about you. I do." Hermes took a long drink before his eyes wandered to Cain and Deimos. Then to Artemis, before the guys again. "All of them."

Blueberry was unmissable now. Flutters and tickles were turning into kicks and punches, explaining so many of Raya's uncomfortable faces and constant touching of her stomach. Today kicked my ass. This week, no, this whole year had. I was mentally and emotionally drained from the two-hour bonus session with Richard. My hips, stomach and every muscle connected to them hurt, which a quick drop in on Dr Katie had her reassuring me were completely normal as my body had to adjust to the growing alien inside. Now having a moment with Hermes was the cherry on top of all of that. What next, the Furies were going to walk in with a peace sign?

"Are you alright?" He asked, sounding completely sincere as if he actually did care.

Drunk Deimos was the life of the party.

Drunk Hermes found a heart.

"It's been a long day. I feel pregnant tonight." I shifted in my chair, rubbing my hip slightly.

"Can I do anything?" Looking at him as he squatted in front of my chair, I believed he wanted to help. "Did you need Cain? A doctor?"

"No, thank you. I'm fine being the wallflower." I noticed Artemis watching us, and wondered how long it would take for her to come over. Another event I wanted to avoid. "What is the deal with you and Art anyway?"

"I've loved her for years. Both of them. Foolish of me, I know." He admitted in a whisper. "This heart seems to want what it can never have."

Hermes paused again and looked at our friends before I caught him suddenly glaring at me from the corner of his eye as he realised what he had just done. I quickly pretended to zip up my mouth.

"I won't say a word."

"Good. It's not as if you can talk either, girl." He huffed.

"I'm just here for the cake, not to judge you so move on if you're looking for an argument. I'm not in the mood tonight." I sighed before getting up as it looked as if he was about to start one anyway. "Good chat, I'm going to get some air."

It's just as warm outside as it is inside and leaning against the balcony, the lights of the city below us are bright. It's quite a beautiful view and I'm surprised as Hermes comes to stand beside me.

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