Chapter 32

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"And we move into savasana," Ailin softly directed.

Beyond her, the wind chimes altered in a trickling of water, with a flurry of bird noises that didn't seem quite as relaxing as the rest of the track. I was covered in sweat, feeling tired and stretched in all the right ways and before I could spread out to take a nap post-yoga class, Ailin was clicking her tongue and throwing a couple of the blocks my way with a large cushion.

"I thought we were done?"

"We are, prop yourself up. You can't lay flat on your back now." She sets it up and pats the cushion, so I lay back and instantly sigh.

"I love savasana."

She says nothing, positioning herself on her mat - flat on her back - and exhaling deeply. The windchimes start up again, a harp somewhere in the background. Just as she taught me, I only focus on my breathing, my mind as quiet as the room and peace is found.


My toe gets itchy, almost as if something or in this case, someone is touching it just enough for my body to register but not enough to confirm if anything is actually there. I don't need to look, but I do, peeking out of one eye, Ailin is silent and still but in front of me, Cain is looking way too amused by my feet.

"Go. Away." I mouth at him, looking at Ailin again who hasn't moved.

It gets worse as he rolls forward, climbing over my legs to kiss my belly before looking up at me.


"I need my inner peace," I whisper.

"Come with me, I'll help you find it." He smirks, inching closer and higher so we're practically nose to nose.

It's then I get a hit from him. All I can smell is that uniquely Cain scent that has me moving closer to push my nose into his neck to breathe it in completely. I wrap my arms over his shoulders eager to stay close to him as I can feel the coolness of his skin against the heat of mine.

Seriously Blueberry, you're really messing me up and I'm already insane enough, thanks.

"Please go away, Ailin and I need to talk after this." I don't sound like I mean a word of it.

"We do, so take a seat or get out," Ailin growls, standing up.

She heads over to her desk and I use Cain to get me back onto two feet. "Are you staying?"

"Will you be long?"


"See you at home." Cain disappears, and I flop into the chair opposite Ailin going for the water.

"He seems in a good mood." She points out.

"It's not all angry faces and that weird, scary aura thing." I shrug. "Not all the time anyway."

"Does he know about last night then?"

"Yes, Mum."

"Well, that makes one of us then. Talk, Elise." Ailin is all business; gone are her leggings and crop top, and she's back to being President in her usual pantsuit and stern expression.

Cain isn't the only one that is all about angry faces.

I fill her in on what I haven't said for a few weeks and try to explain last night with just as much detail only I didn't fully understand either. I put a lot of blame on Hecate because who else would it have been and she also wasn't here to defend herself.

"I am scared that a time of reckoning will soon be upon you. The price this life demands you pay seems to grow with each challenge it throws your way."

"Well, that doesn't make it sound even worse than it already did." A reckoning. This was exactly that. "Uranus is already a pain in my ass, is he about to go around smiting things too for an added touch of dramatics?"

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