The End...?

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Two days later...

Apollo had almost forgotten what it was like to be worshipped. The days of Gods had long since expired among the mortals of the Earth realm, much like the novelty of a Power gracing the Others with their presence in his own homeland. Their celebrity status came and went, fear trumped total adoration and since the reign of the Dark King, there was still an unease, a wariness among those he had ruled over.

Tonight, all of that had changed.

News of the Empress taking her seat beside the God-Killer Queen had spread like wildfire and the second he had entered his usual drinking spot, the excitement of this had been extended to include all of the Powers. If only they knew the truth, beyond the lies and smoky mirrors his kind worked behind.

Any other time, Apollo may have resented the attention, and objected to the obsessive way they turned a myth into a greater legend if not for the only reason it involved, her. Tonight, he sat surrounded by beautiful women, the drink was never lacking and the feast he had been treated to was one of the greatest in recent memory. A nymph sucked on his earlobe, another tossed aside the Other who had been keeping his lap warm and eager hands soon found flesh as his shirt was opened. For tonight, life was good.

"Other dependent Nymphs? I expected more from you, Golden Boy." Circe's sharp tongue snapped through the drunken haze, and Apollo found himself trapped by an icy glare as the little witch sat herself on his table. "Shoo, pests."

Apollo groaned as the nymphs did as they were told and even the Others around them took a cautious step back. They didn't know Circe, and while she didn't possess the same aura as the Powers it was clear she was one of them on some level so it was best not to interfere.

"What do you want, Circe? Am I not entitled to a little fun, after all, are we all destined to die soon?"

"With that attitude, I don't doubt it." She looked around curiously, helping herself to the fruit. The strawberry was plump and juicy and as she took a bite, it was the trickle of juices that ran down her chin that drew Apollo's complete attention. "Mmm."

"That isn't an answer." He managed to snap, never mind the way he licked his own lips and subtly checked to see exactly where his fan girls had disappeared too.

Circe was tempting, but so was a poisoned apple if you got hungry enough.

"Artemis is having a bitch fit because you left without permission and something seems to be hiding you from her. Wouldn't have anything to do with that pretty little jewel around your neck?" Circe took another bite, the sound of pure pleasure as she ate, drawing in more than Apollo's eyes.

"Of all the sisters."

"I agree," Circe smirked, winking at the man Apollo vaguely remembered beating at an earlier game of cards. He wasn't back for another round, at least not with Apollo. "I do wonder what she'll say when I tell her where you are, who you are with and, is that smell you or that one?"

Cautiously Apollo lowered his chin slightly and sniffed; not him.

"Please Circe, do not tell her." Apollo would beg if he had to. He had enough to drink to make that a true possibility.

The other power made the motion of zipping up her lips and tucking the imaginary key between her breasts. "Wouldn't dream of it. I should also say our Empress was concerned when Artemis began her tirade, more than once sister dearest made it clear she was certain you'd met a terrible end at the hand of the Furies already."

"Elise wouldn't believe that." But did she still care? Would she be helping Artemis find him?

"No, that girl has a brain and why do you think I am here?" Circe smiled, holding her hands above her head which caused the slip of fabric she called dress to reveal even more skin and her curvy silhouette. "She said not to worry about Artemis, and have a drink or two for her."

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