Chapter 16

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The tray was nearly empty by the time we finished with breakfast. I sat back against the pillows, cradling my coffee against my chest and breathed in the warmth of it before taking a sip. Despite the fact, I woke up with my sword in my hand and the smell of blood still in my nose which had me rolling out of bed to throw up, it had been an otherwise blissful morning. Slipping on one of Cain's shirts and being covered in his smell helped keep my stomach settled, and I wasn't sure I was ever going to take it off now.

"There has to be more to it," Cain said thoughtfully. "Why would the Furies want them dead?"

"Who knows. I just regret not trying to kill them while I had the chance in case it could have done something. Tisiphone looked healed, maybe they are strong enough to do something like that now?" I frowned, not liking that possibility. "I've spent so much time with Ailin, controlling my mind, protecting it. I hate that they got in."

"Could it have been a dream?"

"No. It had that whole, out of body, there but not, feel. I give them ten points for trying to spook me though. The Lord Alpha was a nice touch." I close my eyes, enjoying the coffee. My stomach was full, I actually felt like I had a good sleep, and Cain had managed to remove my hip pain before breakfast too. "I'm going to see the Harpy, and then wake up Kara."

"Not the other way around?" The tray vanished and rolling over, Cain shuffled closer. Lifting his shirt to expose my stomach, two kisses were answered by a suddenly active Blueberry. "Good morning, little one."

"I promised the Harpys she wouldn't be harmed any more, so I want to see what remains of their sister before I give her back. How bad is it going to be?"

Cain didn't answer, burying his face in the bed against my thigh while keeping a hand on Blueberry who may as well be drinking the coffee directly at the rate he was moving around in there.


"Deimos is good at what he does." Is the muffled response I get before his face looks up at me. "He has already been removing some of what he had planted in her mind. By the time we get there, she might be more lucid."

I sit up. "You left me sleeping? I would have gone too."

"You needed to rest."

"Wait, you left. Was that when they got in? It's why, when I woke up, you weren't in bed. I didn't really think about it before." I wasn't sure if this was something more than a coincidence. I shook my head. "Nevermind. I'm glad he's doing that."

"He thought you would be," Cain sat up. "You think that the Furies waited for you to be alone?"

"I'm not so sure now. Maybe it had been a nightmare. That's why I rarely sleep alone." It wasn't anything new, I'd been that way for years.

"I've come and gone many times, Elle. I don't go far, but some nights, I just can't sleep." He admits.

I do that too. "True. I don't know. Let's just forget about it, and if I suddenly get the urge to get stabby with the Fates, then we'll come back to it."

"Aren't you already like that?" He smirked, yet Cain suddenly looked away, glancing over his shoulder as if he expected someone to be standing there. "Deimos is trying to find us."

"You don't want to let him in?"

"I like no one knowing about this place. It's bad enough that Kara's been here." Cain pouted.

"Then I guess it's time for us to go." Leaning forward I kissed him softly. "I'm keeping your shirt."

"Good, I think it looks better on you anyway." His hand ran up my bare thigh, and as he moved closer with obvious intentions since his mouth followed his hand, I quickly stood up and moved out of reach. "Deimos can wait, come back here."

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