Chapter 21

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Kara's scream is the first thing that makes sense as I step onto a new battlefield. She's angry and the loud clink of metal on metal is coming from her sword as it slams into another. The woman fighting her had to be another Valkyrie, and unfortunately for this 'Hildr', that's not all Kara was. I also knew Kara and she would only fight fair. The duo shout at each other in a language I don't understand and I don't need to as their tone and actions paint a clear picture of the mutual hate that they clearly share for one another.

The next thing that becomes clear is this isn't the place from Matt's vision - not that I really know if I can trust that anymore. Having the Furies so close sent a whole new type of panic rushing over me; the fear that this wasn't the time or the place for our success vibrating through every inch of my being. We didn't come to fight, not now. If we did, I knew we would lose.


Circe's lions roar as they attack, while all around there are balls of energy and fire being thrown around. This is chaos, a complete mess. There is no structure, no clear boundaries, not that any battle ever had them, but generally, you knew who was who and more importantly, who was on your side. I caught a glimpse of Apollo with Hermes, his light a beacon as a small group of some kind of troll creatures battled them, and across the field opposite them, Deimos and his magics had the majority of them in his hold, yet more seemed to be coming over the next hill. Their footsteps caused the ground to tremble and unaffected, Deimos merely raised a hand and sent a new crushing wave of power to stop them. Where the hell were we?


The voice echoed in my mind, my ears ringing before it cleared as quickly as it came. Hades was here; his creatures scurried across the ground a few metres in front of me, they filled the spaces Circe's lions left and attached with them. The horned demon they fought resembled the Oni but were read instead blue, looking even more devilish and demonic than those blue idiots and as I spun around to find Cain, a fist came out of nowhere and as it connected with my jaw, a whole new flash of pain echoed through my skull, all over my neck and shoulders and down my spine.


No. Fucking. Shit.

I barely managed to break my fall, landing awkwardly on my side as I practically put myself there to try and shake off some of the force of the hit. Luckily I also managed to move myself a few metres away, hoping to keep space as a blocker in case whoever was there decided to go for another hit or worse. Blood filled my mouth, and for a second I was tempted just to lay down on the dirt to nap it off, yet the metallic heat on my tongue made me gag, and then throw up.

Laying in my own bloody vomit wasn't on my list of things to do today, but then again neither was being nearly knocked out and forcing myself to focus and get up, I had never been more thankful for my powers as I was able to make it happen with more ease than if I had to psychically do it. Standing was proving a little more difficult than it had a minute ago, and swaying I tried to get my bearings back as best I could.

Blood dripped from my mouth, running down my chin and using the back of my hand, I quickly wiped it away as I tried not to throw up again. Instead, I spat out more blood, and hesitantly touching my lip felt the cut there. That was going to hurt a lot more later. Looking up, the man who stood before me could hardly be called a man. He had to be part giant or Hulk and I had no doubt that those muscles were not simply for show. Message received, you're bigger than me.

"Ow!" I huff, glaring at him. "Who the fuck are you and who the hell hits a pregnant woman? I bet you don't give up your seat on a train either."

A low growl leaves him as he stretches, cracking his knuckles as he lines himself up with me. Blueberry is suddenly doing flips, and I pray that means he's okay as every inch of my being is now intent on taking this asshole down.

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