Chapter 18

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"Are you getting third wheel vibes too?" I whisper to Cain as we walk across the yard. "Fourth wheel, even."

Apollo and Jordan were acting like this was some kind of college field trip, the pair entering full bromance mode despite the fact we were walking to an actual dungeon, to see a mythical creature. It was late, I was tired and their constant talking was grating on my nerves.

"Maybe this should have happened sooner?" He wondered.

"You're kidding?"

"Your family worries when you're gone. Who knows what they think of this world, so it might help them to see it for themselves. What would be so bad about them being able to visit?"

He had a point, what would be so bad about it?

"Well at least Jordan can report the air is breathable as he has now ticked that off the list ." I roll my eyes as Apollo makes promises of taking Jordan into the city as soon as we're done here. "No, that's not happening."

"But it's my first time!" Jordan argued, taking whatever drink Apollo just offered to him.

"Can you stop with the alcohol? He's annoying enough as it is and he's not going to go running around town with you tonight. Harpy, then bed, and then home after breakfast."

"Wow, is she always like this, where did fun Elise go?" Drunk Jordan was giving me a headache and as Apollo laughed, I glared at him.

"I'm going to feed him to the Harpy." I huff.

"They don't eat humans," Cain tells me, which doesn't improve my mood.

"That's not helpful."

"Relax, Bunny. It's all new and exciting to him. You had your mind blown when you first came here too." Apollo hiccuped, and catching a whiff of what was being passed between them I cringed at the smell of mead.

Well, that explains a lot.

"Yeah because I just found out my kidnapped mortal boyfriend was actually Apollo, the God of Light, right after I was tricked into becoming the Third. Should I go on?"

Apollo lost his smile as Jordan stopped walking, and turning to me I silently begged him not to open his mouth and argue because I wasn't sure I could deal with it right now.

"I'll go. Forget it," Jordan sighed, turning to go back towards the palace.

I almost wished he had argued as this was worse in one of those not angry, just disappointed kind of ways.

"Fuck!" I cursed under my breath going after him. "Jordan, stop. I didn't mean-"

"No, it's okay. I didn't think it through. You've got stuff going on here, and I'm not helping."

I ran my hand through my hair, looking at the other two for some kind of help. Cain just shrugged, most likely already planning three steps ahead and sending him back to the bar without that ring while Apollo seemed to perk up and chased after Jordan to stop him.

"It's been a really big day for them, that's all. How about I give you the tour, fill you in while they finish up here and we'll start over in the morning?" Apollo offered, turning back to me. "If anything happens to him, I'll take full responsibility. I won't even drink/"

I hesitated as Jordan put his hands together in prayer. "Please? Please, Ellie?"

"Fine. Please don't give him any more mead and don't introduce him to Aphrodite," I frowned, the pair high fiving and instantly walking back the way we had come from. "Yeah, k, bye."

"They will be fine," Cain assured me.

"Oh, now you can talk, where were you a second ago?" I rolled my eyes. "Sorry. I'm just-"

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