Chapter 23

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Spinning the key to the crossroads between my fingers, I stood on the balcony and admired the view. A clear night sky glistened with stars, while the gardens and streets below were lit up with a warm orange light from the lanterns lighting the way that now only reminded me of Matt's burning home. With a shiver, I looked back in the direction of the party I escaped from at the first opportunity, well aware Deimos and Apollo were in full bodyguard mode since Cain and Hades slipped away for, just a second, once Frigg had arrived. My plan of leaving a decoy by the stairs seemed to be working since I was still alone. It had been easy setting up one of the staff to look like me, her outfit identical to mine and all I told her she had to do was pretend to sleep until I got back. Pregnancy was turning a great little alibi.

I looked up to the top of the building, not planning on repeating the million stair climb to get there this time. With a final look, I didn't want to waste any more time and as much as I hated them I started the first few steps before the uncanny feeling of being watched prickled at my back. The soft thud of steps was barely heard as I stopped on the first landing, and turning to look behind me, the shadows took the figure of an animal or two; lions.

"Circe?" I called out, causing the black-maned beast to step into the light. "Jason, right?"

I get a snarl in response before he shakes his head.

"You're all going to be Jason. The other names are too hard to remember and I also just don't care." I tell him as he starts the stairs. "Where's your master?"

Another snarl.

"Odysseus," Circe says a second later, walking towards us with another lion beside her and a wicked smirk on her face. "This is Jason."

"My bad."

"I'm sure." She winked at me as they came to stand with me. "How odd. I am positive I just saw you taking a little nap. In fact, Telemachus currently sits by your side to ensure you are not disturbed."

"That's very kind of him, and also proves the point I am never going to remember their names." I can't help but look at her suspiciously "Why are you here?"

"Jason became very insistent we take a walk, and then I happened to see you sneaking out the side door. Naturally, our curiosity got the better of us, but I do have a feeling it isn't to meet a forbidden lover or anything that may be of interest." Circe shrugged as Jason headbutted my hip, and I gave his snout a rub which had him purring. "What are you doing all alone out here Empress?"

"What would you do if I told you I was looking for a way back to the Crossroads?"

Circe's eyebrow arched as that mischievous smirk on her face remained. "I'd have to ask you why you're on your mission all alone. Hecates daughter would surely assist you, and if not her, any of your little harem."

"You've been talking with Hermes?" I rolled my eyes.

"He's mentioned things. Males like them do not like to share their toys, but when they do I promise you it will be solely to your benefit." Her eyes lit up, and her voice became breathless as if she was imagining that very thing. "Tell me, did his dream of being with the Huntress ever become a reality?"

"Ah, no. If they did it's not something they talk about or that she's ever admitted."

Circe curled her fingers into the black man of Ode and seemed to process that bit of information. "Well, good chat. I'm just going to go this way and thank ah, T-Lion for helping me out."

"The astronomer will not get you back there."

"How did you know-" She puts her hand up, silencing me.

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