Chapter 33

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I scrolled through my iPad, the few notes I'd made barely days ago all being removed one by one except for Penny. After all we had gone through, good and bad, we'd ended up practically at the start again. Apparently rating Olivia more of a priority than Colton ensured my new social banishment, nevermind months ago I'd been her damned Maid of Honour. Trouble was, I'd do it again. The hushed whispers I'd heard while at the Council reminded me of our time at the Academy together, only this time I wasn't biting back. I do almost regret not slamming her face into the mats like V had suggested and that made me smile.

"When we left you said, and I quote, I do not want to see any of these fuckers for at least a week." Cain reminded me, barely glancing at the screen as he wrapped his body around mine. "It's barely been forty-eight hours."

"True, but then this crazy thing happened where I changed my mind." I put the iPad down, hugging his arms against my chest from where they held me against him. "I wanna be the big spoon."

"No, it's too weird feeling Blueberry between us if he gets all moving against my back." He held on tighter as I attempted to wriggle free, changing tactics so I did more of a roll to be able to turn around and face him. "You need to rest, Elle."

"I'll rest when I'm dead." Cain went still, his cheek shuddering from the way he must have been grinding away those teeth to a whole new level. "Too soon?"

"Way too fucking soon. Do I have to take you to Doctor Katie again? You've had more cramps, and don't deny it because I know what I saw this morning."

"It's normal. He's growing, my body is stretching and trying to accommodate the rockmelon that seems determined to play footsies with all of my internal organs. You give it a go and tell me you don't need a second because there's an elbow in your hip and everything is fine!" I yell, slightly more dramatically than I intended. Neither of us moves for a second. "I don't want to waste Doctor Katies time. We're okay."

He holds his hands up in surrender. "You really want to go back already?"

"I've done what I needed if, well if it happens. One last mission was a nice touch. Mum and Dad understand I think and besides the longer we are here the more paranoid I am about another Nieve drop-in." I admit, sliding my leg over his hip to crawl as I tugged on his shirt, drawing him in even closer. "You always smell so good."

"I'm pretty sure I heard you whispering that to one of those candles over there last night." Cain stops himself there, and I don't ask.

There isn't anything more to say regarding the rest of that, the conversation we had last night and a million other times already said it all and despite his teasing, I didn't miss that huskier edge to his tone. That earns my full attention, more so as I felt his hands run up along my back before a subtle pressure on my neck pulled me closer so as our lips met there wasn't an inch of space between us. Only clothes, which didn't last long as I managed to remove all obstacles in the way of getting what I want.

"What if we just stay here like this? Forget everything except for you. Me." I already can't answer and he knows it.

In case there was a chance, he keeps my mouth busy as we enter a battle of the wills I know I'm not going to win. Resistance was never going to happen; he started something that he had to finish the second his hand slid against my thigh.

My body isn't my own, choosing to become completely moulded against his as each touch and sensation is overwhelming to every sense I possess. The most I can respond with is barely a whimper of protest as we shift positions just so. I lost the contact I had been craving only to have it returned, causing me to become even further owned by the moment. We take our time as if his earlier question has become the only option and making love - being completely consumed by one another was all there was.

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