Fetus tag thingy ??

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((this was the last book i updated so i posted it on here :-)))

Idk I have only been alive twelve years and am very boring but I got tagged by unfathomablely to do it which I am very unhappy about but oh well. ((Fetus me on side if ya wanna see how adorable I used to be :-D))

Here goes??

1. I was a sassy little shit when I was like six no joke. when my sister brother and I were in a bath together (we were all young hush) they were saying people's names. They skipped right over me and I just yelled at them 'what about me?! What's my name!?'

2. I always had an obsession with sims. I don't know why but it was IMPOSSIBLE to get me off the sims. we had the first sims, and all the expansion packs (still), and when sims 2 was released, my sister and I begged our parents. I now proudly own sims 3 and sims 4 and a couple expansion packs :-)

3. I never had any shame. I would walk around the streets in my pyjamas and not give a flying fuck what people thought. I still don't but that's another story.

4. When I was five, I literally would not talk to anyone I didn't know. I would stick by my best friend and only talk when she begged me to.

6. When I was seven, my best friend moved vv far away so I was literally left alone and would not socialise with anyone for a couple months. my teddies were all the friends I needed :-)

7. My first fandom I remember is Justin Beiber ((ew D-:)) but I was literally the worst fan ever

8. My dad used to smoke, so whenever I would walk past him, I would hold my breath so I didn't inhale any smoke, even when he didn't have a cigarette. I was very weary as a little girl :-)

9. I was three when my little brother was born. even then I wanted him dead

10. ((At last yay)) I watched a LOT of Disney as a littler kid. I've always wanted to go to Disney world, but there isn't one in Australia so.. I was obsessed with all the movies but...(sue me), I HATE the Lion King. I'm like the only person that does though -.-

I'm no sure how well I did that though. THIS WAS SO HARD BC IM SO YOING BUT OH WRLL SUE ME

I'm uninteresting I know I'm sorry.

I nominate ((pls don't kill me)) Jesus_in_a_skirt and AshtralianAshton :-)

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