Twenty-five \\ "im not the only one with a secret"

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a/n: I'm dropping a LOT of bombs on you here [they're at school bc Michael hasn't quit just yet] haha, you guys are gonna hate me I'm sorry but not really


"Chloe!" Michael screamed. He missed her so much. "You're back!"

"Yeah, I am!" she squealed, hugging her best friend.

"Guys, I'm back too..?" Andrea trailed off.

"Aww, come here Andy!" Luke soothed, opening his arms for a hug. She waved her hand dismissingly with a smile on her face.

"So, what was your news?" Jordan asked quietly.

Chloe stiffened as Andy scowled at her sister.

"You didn't tell your best friends that we're moving?" Andrea snaps, grabbing her sister.

"You're moving?" Michael asked, confused. "How far away?"

"We're moving down to Victoria," Andrea explains, still angry at her sister.

"How come you didn't tell us, Chloe?" Michael's voice wasn't angry, his voice wasn't anything. You couldn't tell if he was angry, sad or anything.

"Michael, I'm sorry, it's--"

"No." Michael mumbled. "I have enough shit hanging on my shoulders, and now this? Thanks for not telling me before I got kicked out of my home, I really appreciate it."

Michael smiled bitterly before running away from the group.

"Michael!" Chloe calls out. She was going to run after him, but her sister held her back.

Luke, Ashton and Calum ran after him.




Michael felt like a wimp. He shouldn't be crying.

But here he was, on the school oval, tears falling from his eyes.

"Michael!" It was Ashton's voice. Michael ignored it until he felt arms around his. Luke's arms.

"Are you alright, Mikey?" Luke asked sympathetically.


"Aww, baby," Luke wraps his arms tighter around  his friend and rests his head on the latter boy's shoulder.

Michael raises his head, cheeky smirk in his face, as if to say "I'm getting more action than you."

Calum rolls his eyes, as Chloe comes up running with Jordan and Andrea in tow.

"Look, I'm not the only one with a secret," she explained, glaring at Ashton and Jordan.

"I'm leaving on the six-week holidays, but only for three weeks," Jordan mumbled.

"And Ashton?" Michael asked.

"Ashton love--" Ashton did the unthinkable--he kissed Calum.

Sure, it silenced the boy, but it only made two others upset.

"Ashton? How could you?" Luke was sobbing, and Michael took him away, glaring at the only other boys in their group as they walked away.




"H-how could he, Mi-Michael?" Luke asked. "I th-thought he really li-ked me."

Michael was about to respond when his phone rung. It was Ashton.

Expecting an apology, Michael answered it.

"What do you want?"

"I want to say sorry."

"You should be saying sorry to your boyfriend." Michael hung up.

His phone rung again. It was Calum, this time.


"I don't even know why I'm calling. It was Ashton that kissed me."

"Did you like it?"

It was silent.

"Did you like it?" Michael was angry, anyone could see it.

Calum still didn't reply.

"Thanks, that's all I needed to know."

Before Michael could hang up, Calum spoke, "I am so sorry, Mikey."

"Save it, I'm not yours anymore."

He hung up and punched a wall.




Michael ran home to his--Calum's--house. No one was home, thankfully.

He locked himself in the bathroom and just let himself cry.

Eventually, he must have broken something. There was glass on the floor and blood on his hand.

"I'm not his anymore," he whispered. "I can't have anything of his."

Michael picked up a piece of glass, not caring that it stung his hands, that he was bleeding really badly.

Not caring about anything, he drove the glass into his stomach.


It may seem like Michael's overreacting, but he's emotional and there's a LOT of things that have happened to him in a short time period

Do you hate Ashton?? And Calum?? How do you feel about Michael????

chapter twenty-six ends this book

Thanks for sticking with me until here, and I understand if you leave now :-)


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