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For my first out-in-the-country parade, this wasn't that bad besides the heat I've dealt with all summer long. When we get back to the school we have like an hour before the pep rally, so everyone just kinda does their own thing, without getting in trouble, for the most part at least. 

"At this time please release all students, teachers, and faculty to the football field," The PA system says

I'm of course already out there and so is Lauren, along with all the other football girlfriends. The team gets introduced, the band plays, we play some fun games and then the principal takes the mic at the very end. 

"I know you're all very excited about the game tonight and we are dismissing at noon but before we go I'd like to give a very special goodbye to two students, Lauren and Alex. I'm very aware that school just started, but miss Lauren got the job offer of a lifetime and Alex is going with her so tonight at the dance we're going to do a farewell line up with all the vehicles. Lauren's been pulling our football team since before she was even in high school and she's taken all the pictures you see around our buildings, so lets send her out with a bang," Prinicple Daniels says and Lauren starts crying

Everyone cheers and then we all get to go home to get ready for the dance tonight and Lauren and I finish packing so we can hit the road.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2022 ⏰

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