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The parade starts and we move really slow but it's enjoyable. I grab Lauren's hand and look at her. We pass some we'll miss you signs for Lauren and me, I smile at the thought of the people in this town.

"They're thinking of us," Lauren tells me

"I know, do you think Daniels will say anything at the pep rally after the parade about us leaving?" I ask

"Oh, without a doubt," Lauren responds

She lays her head on my shoulder and I kiss her head.

"Be my girlfriend?" I ask

Lauren picks her head up and looks at me. Once again she grabs a fist full of my shirt and kisses me.

"Of course, can't have all those rodeo chicks chasing you," She replies

"Yeah, you be you're protective self," I laugh

She punches my shoulder in response. I wrap my arm around her shoulders and she leans into my chest.

"You two better promise to come and visit," Luke says

"We will, I promise," Lauren says

"Plus I have to come back for my cousin's wedding in the fall," She adds

The girl across the roadWhere stories live. Discover now