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"Alright, ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the Saddle Bronc ridin'" Mayor Blake announces

I spot Josh talkin' to Lizzy before he goes to the chutes. Then Lizzy walks over to me.

"That Alex guy seems nice." She says

"He's from Chicago, I had the boys get him into something, a little more appropriate before this started." I sigh

"Oh, he's not gonna last a week out here," Lizzy tells me

"I know," I smirk

"Look, Josh is about to ride." Lizzy smiles

Well, Josh rides but he doesn't stay on the horse for very long, he quickly gets bucked off while keeping his eyes on Lizzy. We all do a collective oof, but then he doesn't get up and he doesn't get up. I hand Tyler to Jamie and climb the fence, I then half run to where Josh is laying.

"Are you okay?" I ask

Josh shakes his head 'no'.

"Call 911." He tells me

I pull out my phone and dial 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" The lady asks

"I need an ambulance at 9063, county road 6000," I say

"Okay, help is on the way." The lady says and hangs up

"Josh, help is on the way, but I need to open the gates," I say

He groans in response. Sirens blare in the distance, getting back over the fence, the ambulance pulls, and Jamie and I unchain and open the gates. They pull through and follow me to where Josh is. 

"Keep his eyes on you and hold his hand." One of the paramedics tells me

I grab his hand and start talking.

"Hey, eyes on me sugar, keep your eyes on me," I speak

"Can you tell me what happened?" The other paramedic asks

"Well, the horse got a little wild and threw him off, but when he didn't get up, I called 911," I answer

"Okay, do you want to ride with him?" Paramedic one asks

"No, I gotta stay here, I'm more or less in charge of this whole thing," I reply


And with that, they leave and we shut the gates.

"On that note, let's say a quick prayer for Josh." 

The prayer is said and we're back to the show.

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