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After Alex and his friends leave, I go inside and get changed. I see Jamie when I walk back downstairs.

"Can you pull the football team on September 25th?" I ask

"Yeah, you gonna be in the cab or on the trailer?" Jamie responds/asks

"Trailer," I say simply 

"Okay, so I have like two weeks, I can work with that." Jamie smiles and walks out the door

"Are we ready to roll out?" Chris asks

And then Alex and his friends walk in.

"Yeah, let's go," I say walking out the door

I get in the driver's side of my truck with Lizzy in the passenger seat and Alex with his friends squished in the back. I turn the radio on and they're talking about last night's football game, I change the station and find some Luke Bryan. About an hour later we're at our destination. Chris parks beside us and we all get out.

"You four, stay out of trouble, please," I say as I swing the trailer door open

I step up into the trailer and untie Dolly from the window. I grab the lead reign and walk farther into the trailer to turn around so Dolly isn't walking backward. Lizzy takes Dolly while I get the saddle on her. One of the owners comes over and greets us.

"Do you mind if I take her around the pen a couple of times?" I ask

"Not at all." The owner tells me

The girl across the roadWhere stories live. Discover now