Difficulty in Robotics 🌺

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Welcome to the first chapter! I'm so very excited about this book and it's future! This is a William x Henry chapter cause yes. Enjoy!


The poor young adult has been sitting in his chair for over a half an hour at his new pizzeria, Fredbears Family Diner. He can't figure out how to fix his star attraction. The sandy-haired man sat in a wooden chair in front of a huge yellow bear. The bear showed no signs of lively hood, as it was shut off. Henry sat with his chin in his hands trying to figure out what was wrong with the animatronic. It failed it's last performance by glitching in front of the children and falling over. Henry had fixed the physical damage but he couldn't figure out why it wasn't turning on. He finally decided to get up and throughly check the animatronics mechanisms.

He reached up at the bears face and reached into the suit's neck to press a small red button. The button is located under the animatronic bears chin. He pressed it with a click and the bears chest cavity swung open. Henry didn't bother putting on work gloves as he and his business partner built these animatronics with their bear hands. The work gloves were a safety precaution but Henry didn't need them, he was a natural.

He started by checking the wires to make sure none were broken or detached. All good. He checked the bears music box and it seemed fine too. He reached into the chest cavity and pulled at some wires. They came undone and Henry started putting them in their respected holes. Once they were in he checked on the joints and endo movement. Everything seemed fine. What is up with you. He thought while scratching his chin.

He reached behind him and grabbed a wrench. He started by untangling wires that were blocking his way from the on/off button screw. He took the wrench and yanked the screw off. The tiny button on the outside fell to the floor. Henry bent over and picked up the small button examining it. There's nothing wrong with the button. What is happening with this bear?

Henry fell back into his chair, frustrated. He stared up at the animatronic bear and observed it. It's black top hat tilted to the side a bit, his blue eyes were unlit and hollow, the black bow tie fit and ready for the show. Henry hid his face in his hands. He took a moment to think hard. His hands were a bit oily due to playing around with oil tanks a few hours before. He was wearing a white dress shirt with a purple bow tie. His business partner wanted the theme colour of their uniforms to be purple.

His sandy hair was messy, and all over the place. His eyes were hazel green and eye bags were underneath his bottom lashes. He was tired, very tired. He's been up the whole night before filing paper work and filling out sheets. He could never get a break with this new business. Ever since him and his partner started the diner Henry's always complained about how they should get a team, it's just to much work for the two of them. But his business partner kept saying no, saying he liked how it was just the two of them. They were best friends ever since high school after all. Henry trusted him with his life. But he wishes he wasn't so introverted so they could hire staff, and get some help.

He took a deep breath and a sharp knock on the door sounded, scaring Henry. He jumped a little but quickly regained himself as his business partner peered his head around the door.

"Hi, Henry." The raven-haired man greeted stepping into the room and shutting the door behind him. "Afternoon, William. What brings you into my office? Is everything ok? Did something go wrong? Oh god did we get a lawsuit!?" Henry was quick to jump to conclusions and his feet. "Henry, calm down. I'm only here to check on you." William told the slightly smaller man with a warm smile. Henry's muscles relaxed and he fell back into his chair. "Oh, good. Ok." He took a deep breath and face planted in his hands again. William noted every little movement that came from the sandy-haired man in front of him.

"How's it going in here? How's Fredbear?" William asked moving around behind the animatronic to join Henry. Much like Henry, William wore a white dress shirt and purple bow tie only he wore a darker purple vest over his shirt. He looked way more together than Henry, that's for sure. "He's going-" Henry cut himself off to look up at the animatronic bear. "It's horrible. I've been sitting here for an hour trying to fix him, but he won't budge." Henry roughly picked up a wrench. He started fiddling with things again, and William only watched him.

Henry started to get angry at the bear. He unscrewed everything and put it back where he found it in the robot. He was sweating and breathing hard, and frustrated. He roughly unscrewed something but stopped when he felt soft hands on his fore arms. He looked up to see William over him with a sad expression. William took the wrench out of Henry's hands and placed it on the work table. Then he proceeded to drag Henry onto the ground with him. They sat on the carpet and only stared at each other.

William reached his skinny hands to wrap around Henry's middle section, bringing him into a nice warm hug. Henry didn't object and melted into the embrace. He's been so stressed lately, cause everything had to be perfect, and he was drifting away from his family due to work, and not sleeping. He was a mess. He curled up into William and took advantage of the warm hug. He held onto Williams shirt and dug his face into his chest.

William held him and lightly rocked back and forth. He's done this many times with Elizabeth and Evan. When the child's scared, you comfort them and right now, Henry looked like a scared child. William admired how he always made people happy but he knew it was tearing him down in the inside. He just needed to breath, and let everything on his shoulders fall and crumble away.

William placed his chin on Henry's head and whispered "Everything's ok, nothings wrong." They stayed like that for about 30 minutes and eventually Henry got tired and fell asleep. William slowly got to his feet still holding Henry, and lie him down on the carpet softly. He wrapped his jacket around him and turned to the bear. He stared at it for a few seconds before picking up the wrench William had disregarded before. He walked over to the animatronic and got to work.

He hoped that this little favour would help Henry, at least a little bit.

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