Suffering together 🥀🌺

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{Heyoooo! Okay so this one is a bit dark. Warning: Angst, suicide attempt, just in general real sad.}


Henry coughed and fell to the ground. He wrapped his arms around his stomach and hunched over in pain. William stood stiff with his hand in a fist. Tears ran down William's face, he couldn't stop them. He was mad, furious. At everything. At everyone, at himself. And especially at Henry.

"Am I a joke to you?" William spoke, his voice cracking and weak. Henry felt the tears coming too. "Everything we had? Is it only a joke!?" William screamed. He was shaking, unravelling and going a little bit crazy. He walked towards Henry and used his hands to pick up Henry's face. He held his chin tightly and made him look up. Henry was crying to now. William cupped his hands around Henry's cheeks aggressively and looked him in his teary eyes.

"I loved you! I LOVE YOU!" William exclaimed, tears flowing like rivers. William held Henry's head now and got onto his knees. Henry's hands left his stomach and grabbed onto William's wrist. He shook Henry's head. "Please! Henry am I not good enough for you!? Please tell me!" William's voice grew higher as he struggled to breathe. Henry shook and shuttered but couldn't find his voice.

"Did I not make you happy?" William squeaked. "Why would you go and do a thing like that..!?" Henry violently sobbed as William screamed at him. "Why would you try to kill yourself!?"


William smiled as he drove to a local flower shop. He'd been planning to surprise Henry with something nice to lift his mood. He's been very stressed and jittery lately so he just wanted to do something nice for him. He pulled into the small parking lot of the local flower shop. He parked as best as he could and shut off the engine, getting out of the car. He locked the vehicle and shoved his keys and wallet in his pockets.

He walked to the front doors, the sun shining on his face. It's gonna be a good day.


William got the flowers, Tulips, and headed back to his car. Once he got to the car he dug into his pockets and brought out his car keys. He unlocked his car and got into the drivers seat while placing the flowers in the passenger seat. He started up the car and sighed. Slowly but surely he made his way out of the parking lot. Next stop, Henry's house.

William quietly hummed a tune while he drove to his best friend's house. He turned down Henry's street and parked in his drive way. He shut off the car, grabbed the tulips and got out, locking it and putting his keys in his pocket. He held onto the flowers with a stupid grin as he walked up to Henry's front door.

He knocked on the wood and waited. After a few moments he knocked again. Nervousness slowly started rising in him. He checked the doorknob for it to be open. He turned the knob and pushed open the door. It was quiet, too quiet. William wandered inside the house. "Henry?" He placed down the flowers on his dining room table.

He wandered to the stairs deciding to check Henry's bedroom. He climbed them slowly becoming nervous about what he might find. He knocked on Henry's door and put his ear to the door. He heard a tiny gasp. "Henry?" William spoke softly. He opened the door and found something he never wished to ever see.

His breath hitched in his throat and his eyes widened. He ran over to Henry and pushed him off the chair he was standing on. He looked up at the rope that was descended from the ground and tied in a perfect noose. He looked back at Henry and tears formed in his eyes. Henry's eyes widened as he stared up at William. William felt numb. He racked his brain for answers on why Henry would want to off himself.

Henry shakily stood up and hesitated before placing his hand on William's forearm. William felt sad, but also angry. He couldn't live with himself if Henry left him. He formed a fist with his hand and punched Henry in his stomach.

Henry coughed and fell to the ground. He wrapped his arms around his stomach and hunched over in pain. William stood stiff with his hand in a fist. Tears ran down William's face, he couldn't stop them. He was mad, furious. At everything. At everyone, at himself. And especially at Henry.

"Am I a joke to you?" William spoke, his voice cracking and weak. Henry felt the tears coming too. "Everything we had? Is it only a joke!?" William screamed. He was shaking, unravelling and going a little bit crazy. He walked towards Henry and used his hands to pick up Henry's face. He held his chin tightly and made him look up. Henry was crying to now. William cupped his hands around Henry's cheeks aggressively and looked him in his teary eyes.

"I loved you! I LOVE YOU!" William exclaimed, tears flowing like rivers. William held Henry's head now and got onto his knees. Henry's hands left his stomach and grabbed onto William's wrist. He shook Henry's head. "Please! Henry am I not good enough for you!? Please tell me!" William's voice grew higher as he struggled to breathe. Henry shook and shuttered but couldn't find his voice.

"Did I not make you happy?" William squeaked. "Why would you go and do a thing like that..!?" Henry violently sobbed as William screamed at him. "Why would you try to kill yourself!?"

William felt his heart drop into his stomach at his own words. His eyes were blurry and he was still having troubles breathing. "Answer me!" William yelled while pushing Henry away and standing up. Henry could only sob as William stared down at him. William ground his teeth together and turned around.

Henry threw himself towards William and clung onto his legs and hips stopping him from moving. "No, please! Don't go!" Henry sobbed. William turned around and stared down at the crying man clinging to his legs. Henry looked up at William, taking in air with quick inhales. Henry's eyes were red and puffy and his bottom lip was quivering.

William's features softened and he actually took a moment to process what happened minutes ago. He didn't even think twice about how much pain Henry was in at the moment. Henry looked desperate for William to stay and it was getting to William. William's hand found it's way to Henry's hair softly playing with it. He bent down to Henry's level and hugged him, picking him up. Henry wrapped his legs around William's waist and William sat on the floor with him.

William softly petted Henry's head and rubbed his back as Henry silently cried into William's shoulder. Henry clung onto him like a koala to a tree branch. "Shh.. you're okay now.. I'm here.." William whispered into Henry's ear as a tear rolled down his cheek. He hugged him tight and held him safely, out of harms reach. He kissed Henry's head and petted his sandy hair one last time before using both arms to hug him tighter.

Henry soon calmed down and was now sniffling and softly breathing. Henry moved his head to bury into William's chest and stared at his dresser with a sad expression. He curled up in William's lap as William soothingly rubbed his back. William felt guilty he didn't know about how much Henry was struggling. He could've been there for him. At least he's here now.

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