Misunderstood situation 🌺

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{Hi, this is based off of something but I'm not gonna spoil it. This one's kind of cute, it has mentions of intimate things but nothing really happens. Enjoy.}


Henry shivered as he brought the blanket closer to his body. He was lying down on his shared bed sulking about work. It was the late afternoon and he was already feeling tired. Henry groaned as he turned over in the bed. He got a call earlier that day that Spring Bonnie had broken down and needed repairs. He didn't want to get up today so he scheduled it for tomorrow. William had been staying in his household for a week now. Honestly it was quite interesting, Henry's wife was fine with it. She didn't know about the affairs the two men had had, and she will never know.

She didn't need to. As long as his daughter and son were happy. That's all that mattered. In their partnership, Henry did most of the paper work. William was more of a blueprint, programming guy. Which left Henry with all the confusing math, and paper work. Henry didn't mind before but now it was starting to pile up. If only they had a team, things would be much easier. But no William just has to be stubborn.

Henry sighed and decided to sit up. He leaned his back on the headboard at the head of the bed and sighed dramatically again. He was wearing baggy shorts and one of William's black T-shirts. He pulled the covers up and hugged the blanket. Speaking of William he's been on Henry's mind for days. Henry just loves every little detail about him, his dark black wavy locks, his beautiful brown eyes, his sharp jawline, his rough nice hands, his lovely smile, his deep handsome voice. Everything about him made Henry feel weak in the knees.

Just thinking about him makes Henry smile. Henry brought his legs up to his chest and sighed again, the misery settling in once again. He brought his hands up to his head and tugged on his hair. He literally wanted to scream and cry, but that would make his children sad and he didn't want that. He's been overworking himself and it's still not enough. He just wants to be able to provide for his family, is that so much to ask for?

Henry screwed his eyes shut holding back any tears of frustration that might leak. He hasn't eaten anything today, but doesn't really mind. He hasn't had the motivation to get up and go get food. He assumes William thinks he's still asleep. He's been tricking his mind into thinking he ate. God he really is a mess.

Realizing he was cold he pulled the blanket closer and huffed. He wrapped his arms around his legs and put his head down. Then suddenly a knock on the door sounded and his head shot up. "Come in." Henry called, quietly. The handle struggled for a couple seconds then it pushed open. Henry saw nobody, then looked down and saw his daughter, Charlotte. He smiled as she skipped towards the bed. "Papa!" She called. She clawed at the sheets and Henry leaned down to pick her up and place her on the bed.

"Hey, pumpkin." Henry said placing her down on the soft blanket and adjusting to sit cross-cross. She giggled at the name. "What have you been doing today?" He asked the smaller human being. She looked up at the ceiling, thinking. "Me and Sammy were drawing, then Mommy made lunch and it was soooooo good!" She chirped. Henry smiled down at his daughter. "That sounds fun." Henry spoke. "How's uncle William doing?" He asked.

She thought again. "He ate lunch with us, he didn't talk though." She said slowly. "Where is he now?" Henry pushed on further. "He's in the bedroom, the one that people stay in when they come over. Papa, can you come play?" Charlie spoke, excitedly. Henry frown/smiled. "Sorry, hun. I can't play right now. I'm sure your brother would love to play though." Henry answered with a nervous laugh. In reality he didn't want to leave his room at all. She pouted a little bit but brushed it off at the sound of Sammy's name. "Okay!" She exclaimed and slid off the mattress. She ran for the door but Henry stopped her.

"Pumpkin, can you tell Uncle William that Papa really needs him?" Henry asked in the sweetest tone he could. Charlie smiled and nodded. "Ok, Papa!" And with that she ran out of the door keeping it open. Henry sighed and stared at the door frame where his beloved daughter disappeared. He brought his knees back up to his chest and lowered his head, closing his eyes.

A couple minutes William poked his head into the room. Henry opened his eyes to the sound of shuffling and was met with William's some what thin frame and messy black hair, just how he likes it. William walked over to the bed and leaned down. "Hey, Henry." Henry shoved his face in his knees. William frowned when he didn't get an answer and quickly caught the sad aura that surrounded Henry. He got up and went to the door, closing it. Then he walked back to the sandy-haired man.

He sat down on the mattress in front of Henry. Henry lifted his head slightly. "What's wrong, baby.." William cooed, softly. Henry's face lit a dusty pink and he tried to hide it. "Can we cuddle?" Henry asked, so quiet almost a whisper. William smiled sympathetically. "Of course, Darling." William said while crawling beside Henry. He leaned on the head board as Henry leaned down and lie down on his chest. William draped an arm around his shoulders and pulled him closer. Now they lay William sitting up right and Henry laying on his chest.

They stayed like that for a bit until Henry noticed something. William's pants, his belt. It was undone, open. He stared at it for a couple seconds, confused. "Hey Will?" He spoke, his voice cracky. "Mmh?" William answered. "Why is your belt undone?" Henry asked, casually. William went silent. William racked his brain for some kind of excuse. He couldn't just tell Henry he thought he needed him for more intimate things.

"Will?" Henry repeated. William's face grew hotter as he looked away. Henry craned his neck and looked up catching the flustered look on William's face. William couldn't think of an excuse so he told the truth. "I thought you needed me for different things." He stated, stubbornly. Henry's face blew up red as he quickly caught onto what he was getting at. He looked down at the belt again and screwed his eyes shut trying to get rid of any weird thought that violated his mind.

"I was misunderstood." William added. Henry giggled a bit. Then he broke out into a laugh. "Stop laughing at me!" William pouted which only made Henry more giggly. "That's cute." Henry stated, coming down from his giggle attack. William grew more flustered and resorted to putting his face in Henry's sandy locks. Henry moved his hand down and rested it on William's thigh.

It was a small gesture, and wasn't supposed to be seductive. It was supposed to be sweet. He wrapped his legs around William's legs and sighed into his chest. William rested his chin on Henry's head and smiled. He squeezed Henry and relaxed.

William always lifted Henry's mood.

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