Picture perfect 🌹🌺

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Bro I'm actually proud of this one. College AU, William is studying photography and Henry's studying robotics. Enjoy!


It was so bad.

But William didn't care, nor did Henry. So bad yet so good, bittersweet.

The feeling in Henry's stomach whenever they did it felt like pure sin, yet it felt so right. William had been learning photography for year and a bit and he asked Henry to be his personal model so he wouldn't have to pay thousands of bucks for a random lady or man to pose for him for a few minutes then leave, cause that would be a waste of money and time. Instead he has Henry who's fine with photo shoots whenever and wherever, and he didn't have to pay a cent for the beautiful man.

Sometimes he thinks about what it would be like to have a woman modelling for his project photos. It would be different. William likes Henry better than any other model. He prefers Henry cause he's so well listened and knows exactly what kind of poses William wants him to do. Henry was working for a robotics degree which confused William cause he could definitely get away with professional modelling with his beauty and charm. Henry and William are roommates and have been for their whole time at college. So William can pick Henry up for a photo shoot anytime.

Which was exactly what he was doing right now. He called Henry and told him that he's bringing home fast food and demanded him to get into model worthy clothes cause they were going on a picture spree. Henry only agreed which was another thing William loves about him. Henry didn't care that it was 10:34 at night, he never questioned William's decisions. He just listened.

So William walked through their door and Henry greeted him at the door —for the food—. Henry wore low waisted skinny jeans that fit just right and a long sleeved black thin top that cut right above Henry's belly button which granted William access to see his stomach a bit. That's another thing William loved about Henry. He was so effortlessly beautiful.

He snatched the fast food with a giggle and scurried to the kitchen. William hung his keys on the wrack and kicked off his shoes, joining Henry in the kitchen to see him munching on fries.

"Hungry much?" William asked. Henry dug his hand into the paper bag and brought out chicken nuggets. "Yes, I haven't eaten since breakfast. I've been at class all day." Henry pouted, his words muffled by the food in his mouth. "Hey! Share!" William called while joining Henry at the kitchen table. Henry held the fries out of William's reach making William shoot his hand up to grab them and miss. Henry giggled and gave them to William.

William ate the fries one by one, looking around the kitchen. He put the small fry box down and stood up. "I'm gonna go set up." He told Henry and walked down a hall. He walked into his photography room and quickly got to work, setting up the white background. He set up lighting and his camera stand and that's when Henry walked into the room. William stopped what he was doing to look at Henry.

"I'm ready." Henry spoke while walking towards the backdrop. William nodded and grabbed his —very expensive— camera off the desk. He locked it on the stand and walked over to Henry. Henry stood still and let William adjust his hair and fix his clothes, the normal. Then William walked back to his camera and stared at Henry through the lenses. He fiddled with the settings until he was satisfied and moved the camera stand to different spots until he was confident with the angle.

He decided the stand wasn't working and snatched his camera off of it, disregarding it to the side. "Well you're hard to please." Henry commented, waiting for pose instruction. William didn't answer, too focused. He found a good hand held angle eventually. "Okay.. hook your pointer fingers through the belt loops on your jeans." William told. Henry abided. "Put your weight on your left leg and pop your right knee a little bit.. Good. Now look at the camera with your head tilted right upwards slightly." Henry did as he was told. "Okay.. hold it.." William spoke while snapping pictures.

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