Breaking Point 🥀

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{Literally I'm so sorry for this very short chapter. warning: mentions of blood/death}


William came rushing into Henry's office with watery eyes. "Fuck fuck fuck!" He was screaming which was concerning to Henry. Henry placed his pen down and turned his full attention to his best friend, his heart beating faster. "What? Will, what is it?" William fell to his knees in agony. "Fuck, it's my fault!" He screamed into his hands, tears falling. Henry quickly made his way to William's side on the floor.

He wasn't quite sure what to do so he put his hand on William's forearm. "William what happened?" Henry asked trying to act calm. William started hyperventilating which sent Henry into panic. He put his hands on the raven-haired man's shoulders. "William, breath. In through your nose out through your mouth." Henry demonstrated a breathing activity and William did his best to follow.

Once William had calmed down Henry brought him into a warm embrace. William clung onto him and sobbed into Henry's chest. They had sat like that for a few minutes, Henry pondering over what might had happened. But he waited until William was ready to tell him, nonetheless. Once William had calmed down a bit Henry ran his fingers through his dark black hair and lifted his head slightly.

"Will I can't help until I know what happened." Henry spoke, softly. William shut his eyes tight and broke into small sobs again. "I- Fredbear- Evan- fucking- bit... he-" "Shhh.." Henry cooed. Henry didn't understand a word he was saying. Evan? His son? What does Fredbear have to do with him? What does bit mean. William took a deep breath and tried again.

"Fredbear, he bit Evan-" Henry was sent into a void of confusion. Bit? Like took a bite out of him? That makes no sense. "Will, your making no sense." Henry stated. William quivered. "His head, Fredbear- bit his head!" William finally screamed. Henry went silent, trying to connect the dots. Fredbear bit his head? "Was their actual blood?" Henry asked trying sound as calm as he could but a hint of nervousness in his voice. "Yes!" William wailed.

Henry was so confused. He needed proper answers. But that could wait. Right now he needed to comfort William. Henry scooped William up and pulled him into his lap. Henry wrapped his arms around the taller man and William paralleled.

Henry let William cry out as much as he wanted into the smaller man's chest. Henry rubbed William's back, soothingly and whispered soft reassurance into his ears. Henry's heart raced as he tried to understand the piece of information he just got to know. Evan got bitten by Fredbear, there was blood. If William was crying it was serious. William rarely cries. Well if Evan was hurt where is he now? Probably rushed to a hospital. Then why was William here with Henry and not by Evan's side.

Henry knew he loves his youngest children. He didn't quite approve on how he treats his oldest, but he keeps his mouth shut. He doesn't want to irritate William. Henry moved his hand to the back of William's head and stroked his hair. He wanted to make this as comfortable as possible. Meanwhile William was starting to calm down from his sobbing. His cries became faint sharp breaths.

Maybe William just needed some comfort before paying the medical bills, and going to see his hospitalized son. However Henry would help as much as he could with bills. He wanted to make sure William was happy. Now William was only breathing. No noises, just breathing.

"do you want to talk about it?" Henry asked after a few moments of silence. William sniffled and lifted his head up. "M-Micheal... he was-" William cut himself off with a sharp in take of breath. "He was playing a p-prank on Evan. He put him inside Fredbear's mouth to scare him and- and- the springlocks- they-" William stopped talking.

Henry sat in silence, the words hitting him like a boulder. First Elizabeth now Evan. Henry couldn't feel worse. All he wanted was for William to be happy but now two of his children are missing and hospitalized.

Henry could feel the tears welling in his eyes as well. Evan and Elizabeth were like family to Henry. He had watched them grow into their child years ever since they were babies. Henry's heart shattered for William.

All Henry could do was his best at helping with the hospital bills comfort William the best he can, and wait. He wasn't sure how long but he was willing to wait for Evan, for William.

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