Your majesty 🌹

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So I'm like rlly bored so this is an AU that I came up with (I think) The royal AU. Henry is king and William is a thief/murderer. Lmao slayyyyy. I'm not putting warnings anymore, you know what to expect lmao. Enjoyyy.


The night was beautiful, there was no denying that. The sky was clear and full of stars that shone proudly. The moon lit up the kingdom just enough to look eery and peaceful. Until the peace was broken of course.

William enjoyed the nightly hours. I mean why wouldn't he? No one's around at night, which is a perfect chance to steal something. William has been fending for himself for as long as he can remember. He never knew his parents, they never left a legacy or any coins for William to get by with. So he was stuck as a street rat, living in any quiet deserted place there was. William's eyes were locked on that beautiful crown the king owned.

He decided he would steal that crown tonight because a new king was crowned about a week ago. A rookie, newbie. He would be easy to steal from. So here he is strolling towards the castle threw his hidden alleys and passageways. He wore brown ruffed up pantaloons with knee high socks, a not-so-white silky shirt with pleated cuffs, puffy sleeves, and a high collar, a leather vest and black dirtied up 'dress shoes' which he found in an old wagon of rubbish.

He had a dagger strapped to his thigh, ready for grabbing. Strung around his shoulder and hip was a small bag. He jumped behind a carriage and stared at the huge castle. He smirked to himself, looking at how the moon stood behind the castles towers and shone a beautiful light around the stone. His gaze landed on the two guards posted outside the building. His smirk faltered and he scowled at them, rolling his eyes.

His hand landed on the dagger on his thigh. He whipped it out and cocked it backwards. He closed one eye, aiming, Throwing the knife. William's dagger spun threw the air and the sharp bit landed directly in the left guards chest. He jerked backwards, his head dropping to the knife. Fear overtook him and his head darted to any direction the knife might've came from. William hid behind the carriages body and his smirk resumed.

He thought about his options. He didn't have anymore weapons. He ran right, made a round about and disappeared behind a small cobblestone wall. The guards, in panic looked to the direction the William ran by swiftly. They started backing up, grabbing their swords. The man with the stab wound started coughing up blood. He collapsed, bleeding out into the green grass.

William stood behind the fallen body holding the bloody dagger. The other guard started backing up, his hand holding the steel sword shaking. One quick movement and William had the bloody dagger in his abdomen. He stared in William's eyes, fearful and wide eyed. William only smirked, innocently and yanked the knife back. The guard jerked forward and fell to the ground, his blood making the pool bigger.

William shoved the dagger back into the pocket on his thigh and turned around to the gate, a big satisfied smirk on his face. He opened the gates, with a bit of struggle. William walked through the doors, staying to the walls. It was quiet. Too quiet.

He rounded a corner and climbed some stairs. No guards roamed the corridors nor did they stand guard at doors. William felt a bit uneasy. He came to a big doorway, which was wide open. He peered around the corner. He saw a big ballroom with coloured designed windows on every wall. The moon light shone threw the many glass panels. All the way across the room sat an empty velvet red and golden thrown, tall and elegant.

William's gaze shifted to the shadow of a person. He gazed at a man with sandy coloured locks that were not combed. He wore black trousers that went to his ankles, a silky white dress shirt with pleated cuffs and embroidery designs and ruffles down the front.

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