Gary the rock 🍄🥀🌺

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{So this is a skit about Micheal. Um warning: verbal abuse, a bit of physical abuse, unintentional self starvation. A bit angsty but also fluffy.}


Micheal sighed as he left his house. "Get back over here you brats!" He shouted at his siblings who had run ahead of him. He didn't want to get into trouble again. Elizabeth pouted and dragged Evan back to their older brother. Micheal rolled his eyes and continued walking down the street. Dumb children.

They continued walking until they got to the big building. Elizabeth ran up to her friends while Evan stood beside Micheal. "Well? Go away, go to your friends. Oh wait, you don't have friends." Micheal chuckled and started striding away. Evan's eyes watered as he ran to follow Elizabeth.

Micheal walked to his high school. Once he got there he immediately spotted his friends and caught up with them. "Hey guys." He said while squeezing into the group. "Aye! Micheal, what's up?" Fredrick exclaimed and hung an arm around Micheals shoulders. "Not much you?" Micheal replied as they continued walking. Suddenly Micheal stopped. He stared at the ground.

There sat the most beautiful perfect round rock he had ever seen before. He bent down and scooped it into his hands. He stared at it as if it was the most precious thing in the world, which in his eyes it was. "Micheal, what the fuck." Mark asked looking down at the brunette holding a rock. "It's beautiful. I'm naming it Gary." Micheal said while standing up. "Sometimes I wonder why we let you lead this group." Simon stated.

Micheal giggled and ran inside the door, ducking the rock into his pants pocket. He was going to protect this rock.


Micheal sat in his class with Gary sitting on the corner of his desk. A girl walked up to him. "Is that a rock?" She asked. "Yeah, you got a problem? And it's name is Gary." Micheal answered, coldly. The girl gave him a weirded out look and scurried away. "Yo, why are you so protective over a rock?" Mark asked. Micheal death stared him making Mark sit up and clear his throat. "I-I mean why not? Having a pet rock is the most amazing thing to do." He blurted out.

Micheal's face went back to neutral as he scooped up Gary and held him close. Micheal smiled.


On his way home he carried Gary in his hand while he walked down the street. "Micheal-" "What do you want?" He cut off Elizabeth's annoying whiny voice. She stumbled. "Um- why do you have a rock?" She asked warily. Micheal stopped dead in his tracks and turned around to face her. "It's none of your business you ice cream addict." Micheal said while scowling. Elizabeth put on a pout. "It's not my fault ice creams really good!" She screamed while running ahead of Micheal. Micheal gave Evan one look and out of fear Evan ran after Eli.

Micheal walked the rest of the way home keeping an eye on his dumb little siblings so he wouldn't get in trouble for getting them hurt or murdered. When he got home Elizabeth and Evan had already raced to their parents showing them drawings, telling them about their day, blah blah blah. Micheal walked right past them with Gary still in his hands. He was stopped by a firm hand on his chest.

He looked up to see his fathers piercing stare. Micheal immediately shrunk. "Micheal. Watch where you're going, And what the fuck are you doing with a rock?" William's voice sent daggers through Micheal. "Um- It's a- a rock I thought was very nice, so I-I wanted to keep it." Micheal fumbled over his words while looking at the floor. "And I named it Gary.." he mumbled, barely heard.

"Gary..?" William stared at the back of Micheal's head. "What the fuck are you? Five? Act your age. Throw that stupid rock away." William scolded. Micheal lowered his head lower and shakily nodded. William shoved him down the hall and walked to his younger children picking Elizabeth up like he didn't just act so horrible to Micheal. Micheal stomped to his room. No way in hell was he throwing Gary away. He would just hide it.

He closed his door as silently as he could and set down Gary on his desk. He decided he would make a little bed for Gary. He went into his closet and found one of his baby blankets. He wrapped it up into a clump and placed it on his desk in the corner. He plopped Gary into the bundle of blankets and smiled at his work. He petted Gary then plopped down on his bed.


"Micheal, dear. Wake up." He heard his mothers voice. Micheal fluttered his eyes open and saw his mother folding one of his shirts that was on the floor. "Dinners ready." She finished. She went for the door but stopped when she spotted the rock wrapped in a blanket. "Is that a rock?" She asked while smiling. "Yeah.. it's name is Gary." Micheal said while stretching his limbs. His mother light heartily laughed. "That's so cute." She stated while leaving the room.

Micheal smiled to himself. At least his mother liked Gary. He stood up and yawned. He stumbled his way to the door and headed for the dining room. He sat down at the table his mother beside him on the right and Elizabeth on his left. He tried his best not to make eye contact with any of them. He picked up his fork and went for his food.

"Micheal, praying remember?" His mother reminded him before he could stab his steak. He rolled his eyes. He put his fork down and clapped his hands together. "What's with that look?" His mother asked. Micheal still didn't look up at her. "God isn't real. I don't know why we pray, nothing good ever happens." Micheal stated blankly. His mother stiffened. "Because, Micheal. The lord gave us our wonderful food that we get to eat so we can survive. Come on, put a good example on for you're siblings." His mother scolded.

Micheal rolled his eyes again. "I'm so sorry that I'm telling the truth to my wonderful siblings." Micheal said sarcastically. "Here let me try again. Oh dear lord, fuck you." Micheal finished. "Micheal." William spoke up in a stern voice. Shit, Micheal forgot he was at the table. "Shut your mouth." William ordered in an unsettling calm voice. It scared Micheal. He immediately lowered his head and let his mother say the prayer. "We will be talking about your behaviour later." His mother said with a bit of anger in her voice. She took a deep breath and started the prayer.

Everything faded away as he felt William's eyes burn right through him. Micheal kept his eyes on the ground not bothering to close them. When the prayer was done he could still feel his fathers eyes boring into Micheal. He picked up his fork and poked at his steak. He pushed around the rice and meat on his plate to make it look like he ate more than he did. Just to add to the affect he ate a few small bites.

"May I be excused?" Micheal asked, still not making eye contact. "Eat a few more bites." His mother reasoned. "I'm not hungry." Micheal said blankly while pushing his seat away from the table. William was watching his every move. "Micheal. Please eat a bit more." His mother spoke while staring at the brunette as well. Micheal tensed up. "You can't force me to do anything." Micheal argued. "I can force you to do something when it's about your health."

"No you can't! You can't make me eat when I'm full!" Micheal screamed. William stood up and walked to Micheal. Micheal stumbled backwards. "Excuse Micheals behaviour, dear." William said towards his wife. His wife huffed and went back to her food while Micheal got dragged away by William. William shoved Micheal into his room and shut the door behind them. William stared daggers into Micheal as Micheal lowered his head, on the verge of tears.

William sighed. He pinched the bridge of his nose then crossed his arms. "Well?" He spoke. Micheal fiddled with his fingers. Silence. William grabbed Micheals shirt harshly and held him up. "Where the fuck did you learn to speak to your mother like that." William said getting all up in his sons face. Micheal flinched and latched onto William's hand that was clutching around a bundle of his shirt.

"S-She was-" "Doing nothing wrong. She was doing her fucking job, being your mother. Don't ever talk to my wife like that ever again." William spat. Micheal nodded shakily. "Fucking mistake." William finished while throwing Micheal to the ground. Micheal caught himself on his shaky hands. William gave his son one more glare before leaving his room and slamming the door making Micheal flinch.

Micheal shakily got up to his feet and stumbled over to his desk, tears brimming in his eyes. He picked up the blanket and rock and hugged it. At least he has Gary.

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