A Lovely Embrace 🌺

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{Just some good old fluff. This one's a bit short. Happy reading :)}


Henry felt his senses coming back as he fluttered his eyes open. He yawned and looked up to see William's face. Henry had been laying on his chest with their legs intertwined and William's arms around Henry's waist. Henry put his head back down relishing in the affection as William's chest rose and fell with his breaths.

Henry listened to his heart beat.

Beat beat.

Beat beat.

Beat beat.

Henry sighed. Peacefulness was always his favourite, especially when it's peaceful quiet he's sharing with William. That was when William snorted which made Henry roll his eyes in disappointment for ruining this moment. William opened his eyes and groggily turned his head while fluttered his eyes.

Henry lifted his head up to place a trail of butterfly kisses from William's chin to his neck. Henry took a moment to passionately nip and suck at the taller man's neck making William grunt and his breathing to speed up. Henry then put his head back onto William's chest again, noticing his heart rate beating faster then before. He smiled to himself that he could have that much of an impact on the raven-haired man.

William snaked his hands higher and up Henry's shirt that happened to be William's. He pulled Henry up so that they were face to face and a smirk settled it's way onto William's face. Then William pulled one on his hands free from Henry's shirt while the other one rested on his waist. He cupped Henry's cheek with his free hand and stared into his eyes with pure love and passion.

Henry smiled a cheesy grin. William smiled sympathetically as their lips touched. They shared a small passionate kiss before Henry pulled away to stare into how he would say it, William's beautiful eyes. Sunlight beamed through the half closed blinds, it washed over the two lovers making them both illuminate under the light.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" William spoke softly. Henry giggled as his cheeks lit a dusty pink. "It's true." William whispered. Henry looked into William's eyes. "You're the beautiful one." Henry answered back while placing his head back on William's chest. 

William scoffed. Henry took a deep breath and nuzzled himself into William. "It's true." Henry whispered. William chuckled at the use of his own words. Henry longed out a sigh. "Something wrong?" William muttered looking down at the top of Henry's head. "No." Henry mumbled into William's chest. "I'm just so lucky to have you." William smiled a sad/happy smile.

William had it rough as a child. He went through a lot of neglect, abuse, and more. But Henry has shown him that there is good in life, that not everything in life is shit. William has gotten used to things not working out and people walking out on him. He's become very negative and numb to certain things like love. But Henry is helping him get those feelings and happiness back.

William felt his eyes watering as he stared down at his loved one. He sniffed making Henry lift his head a glance up at him. "William!? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Henry said while sitting up to get a better look at William's face. "I'm fine, I'm fine." William said while wiping the tears from his eyes. Henry's face read concern. Henry lifted his hand up to wipe William's tears for him.

William sniffled and shut his eyes. It was Henry's turn to cup William's face as tears streamed down William's cheeks. "I love you." William blurted out between sobs. Henry giggled. "Aw, Will, I love you to!" Henry giggled back. William took Henry's face with his shaky hand and he kissed him. The kiss lasted a while before Henry broke it to give William a good hug. William held Henry tight in his arms, refusing to let go. They lie like that for a while eventually falling asleep again.


William snorted once again but not loud enough to wake the sleeping angel on his chest. He fluttered his eyes and opened them, vision blurred. He blinked until the room wasn't disoriented. He confusingly removed his arms from around Henry's shoulders. How the fuck am I supposed to get up. He thought while biting his bottom lip and furrowing his eyebrows. He shuffled his way from Henry's grip and flipped Henry over so he was now on his back. Luckily, thank god. Henry was a heavy sleeper.

William quietly stood up and tiptoed his way to the door. He slipped through it without any creaks. He walked down the hallway of Henry's house and made his merry way down the stairs. Once he found himself in his lovers kitchen he started rummaging around. He found the ingredients to make scrambled eggs and got to work. While cooking he decided to put on some quiet music. He decided on the song Holiday by Madonna. William had always been a big Madonna fan. He jammed to the beat as he fried the eggs and scrambled them.

Once the eggs were done he started making sausages. He turned them over and let them cook. He'd been so caught up in the music he hadn't noticed Henry standing in the doorway. William completely jumped when he felt Henry's arms around his waist. Henry hugged him from behind, tightly.

"Didn't mean to scare you.. sorry." Henry mumbled into William's back. William lightly smiled. "No, you're good." Henry left William's back and stood beside him. "Can I have a hug?" Henry asked, politely. William melted inside. "Of course, darling." William opened his arms and Henry willingly fell into them. They embraced each other in a tight loving hug for a few minutes.

William smiled while putting his chin on top of Henry's bed head.

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